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Corporate Social Responsibility

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Social Responsibility"— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Social Responsibility

2 Session Theme Society and Challenges of the 21st Century
Sessions 1, 2 &3

3 Leveling of Expectations and Introduction to the Course
What do you expect to learn during our time together ? What are the activities we expect to do for optimum learning to take place? How do you expect your facilitator to assist in the learning process? How do you hope to contribute as participants?

4 Objectives of the Course
Enable students to identify and analyze the impact of social issues on business and its stakeholders at the global level ; Enable students to integrate dimensions of social responsibility in managerial decision making ; To develop an understanding among students about the the difference between CSR and sustainability in the Indian context. To help students to understand the relevance of CSR as a strategy to develop sustainable business models.

5 Continuous Assessment method
Group Presentation: 15 marks ( Each student will be marked separately during the presentation) Group Written Assignment: 15 marks ( Group marks) Mid Term : 20 marks End Term Examination : 50 marks

6 Grading Criteria for the Course Assignments
Written Assignment Relevance of content Use of source material Organization Cohesion and Coherence Language accuracy Presentation and Mechanical Accuracy Oral Presentation Organization Content Presentation


8 Global Challenges facing Humanity

9 How have these global challenges got created?


11 What is Globalization? Free movement of goods, services, people, capital, technology and information from one country to another country on international level. Globalization is usually referred to be driven by a combination of economic, technology, socio-cultural, political and biological factors. Globalization could also be referred to the global spread of ideas and language.

12 Yesterday’s Globalism…….
‘One –size fits-all’ big companies would often migrate…. Something that was a hit in the U.S. or Europe , by tweaking the language and advertising

13 Today’s Globalism…. Things have changed….
No company can safely assume there will be viable foreign markets for an existing product. Any company seeking to expand globally needs to ask if its offerings are culturally and socially appropriate for its targeted markets.

14 Globalization ….. Much like fire: Fire by itself is neither good nor bad Used properly—it can cook food, sterilize equipment, form iron, heat our homes and so on…. Used carelessly – it can destroy lives, homes, towns, forests-----in an instant

15 Good side of Globalization
Based on the benefits of free trade Creation of new jobs Increased International trade : FDI/FII Increase in the variety of goods & services available to consumers Fusion of scientific data and rules to form a uniform network of database

16 Have the Benefits Created Reached All?
What is the Debate?

17 The Debate Is globalization a force for economic growth, prosperity, and democratic freedom? Is it the dominance of developed countries in decision-making, at the expense of poorer, less powerful nations?

18 The Debate Is it a force for environmental devastation, exploitation of the developing world, and suppression of human rights Does globalization only benefit the rich or can the poor take advantage of it to improve their well-being?

19 Bad side of Globalization
Countries integrating with developed economies have faster growth rate (China, India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Brazil, Costa Rica, Thailand) Countries unable to increase their integration have contracted economies and growth in poverty (negative growth: Sub Saharan African countries ) Unequal global consumption pattern Inequality among classes : Nearly one billion people live in slums. 2.5 billion people-nearly half the population of the developing world- live without adequate sanitation. Environmental degradation

20 13.1 percent, or almost 1 in 7 people are hungry
1.4 billion people live below $1.25


22 Human Development Index

23 Global Peace Index



26 Happy Planet Index



29 What is the impact of these indicators on society in general and to India as a country? What can be done to correct the imbalance created ? How to build a fair globalization process? How to reduce poverty and inequality & address issues of sustainable development?

30 How do these indicators impact business ?
Can companies flourish in such an environment existing in a country

31 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)


33 India’s Status on the health targets under MDGs

34 How did companies contribute to achieving the MDGs?

35 MDGs &Business

36 Post MDG Agenda


38 What is sustainability and sustainable development ?

39 The new story of business

40 Perspective on Business Intervention for Sustainable Development
Regulatory compliance Increased labour productivity Value alignment : Organizational values and personal values of employees Crucial linkages between economic growth, human development, social cohesion and environmental sustainability Demand from stakeholders

41 Value created by Sustainable Development
Value created for Companies Value created for Stakeholder & Society Gaining and & maintaining license to operate. Improved attraction and retention of workforce Maintenance of stakeholder trust Optimization and efficiency of resources Compliant with international management and reporting standards Self-sustaining communities Improved standard of living Enhanced resource conservation Enhanced work-life balance Investor preference Employer of choice


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