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Cambodia National Work Plan
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT for the CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM for CAMBODIA (CDCDM-CAM Cambodia National Work Plan Prepared for Regional Workshop on Capacity Building Activities for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) January 16-18, 2003, Phuket, Thailand By Thy SUM, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia
Outline : 1. Objectives of the National Work Plan
2. Activities toward the achievement of the project objectives 3. Expected outputs
I. Objective of the National Work Plan (1)
Based on UCCEE, the overall development objective of the programme is “to generate, in selected developing countries, a broad understanding and develop institutional capability and human capacity to fully participate as equal partners with developed countries in the formulation and implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)”.
I. Objective of the National Work Plan (2)
Cambodia has identified 5 immediate objectives of the project: Objective 1: Establish procedural and infrastructural elements forming a prerequisite for successful implementation of project activities; Objective 2: Conduct information campaign and awareness raising on the benefits of the CDM for relevant target groups and generate support of the government for participating in the CDM
I. Objective of the National Work Plan (3)
Objective 3: Develop CDM-related capacity for national policy makers; Objective 4: Assist the Government in establishing and building capacity of CDM National Authority; Objective 5: Facilitate capacity development for public and private sector players to identify, formulate and secure financing for CDM project; and Objective 6: Assist the Government in creating a pipeline of CDM-eligible projects.
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (1)
Activity for objective 1: Prepare ToRs for key project staff (project director, project assistant, admin. assistant & secretary) Identify/select project staff Prepare ToRs and recruit/sub-contract country-based consultants/organisation as needed Revise workplan and budget as required
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (2)
Activity for objective 2: Identify relevant target groups Collect background materials on CDM Adapt/prepare CDM information materials relevant to Cambodia (brochures, booklets, video spots, etc.) Organise CDM workshops/round table discussions at national and provincial levels Conduct national CDM market forums
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (3)
Activity for objective 2: Help Cambodian representatives participate in regional/international CDM market forums Establish a CDM section in the Cambodia Climate Change Website Prepare periodic project progress reports Write specific articles/press release on CDM for national newspapers or magazines Prepare a brief promotional document that outlines and promotes the national values and benefits of participation in the CDM
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (4)
Activity for objective 2: Prepare an illustrative set of example CDM projects that clearly demonstrate the national value and benefits associated with CDM projects Prepare an outline of the process by which CDM projects can be identified, developed, financed, and implemented and the resulting CDM project emission reductions monitored, reported, verified and certified Disseminate the developed material to relevant stakeholders
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (5)
Activity for objective 3: Hold discussions with all stakeholders involved to establish a country specific strategic approach in order to obtain the highest degree of political support Prepare inventories of past and ongoing national activities that are related to the CoPs, CDM, National Communications, or the UNFCCC Identify and inventory proposed national activities or initiatives that relate to the CDM or UNFCCC and provide data on the objectives of these efforts and the parties involved with these efforts
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (6)
Activity for objective 3: Define capacity needs of key government ministries and agencies with regard to the formulation of the legal and regulatory frameworks for operationalizing the CDM at the national level Carry out capacity assessments and identify capacity needs within key government ministries and agencies Develop training materials relevant to the capacity needs and the necessary legal and regulatory requirements for establishing an operational CDM at the national level
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (7)
Activity for objective 3: Conduct training workshops for relevant policy makers to effectively participate in developing the legal and regulatory frameworks necessary for operationalizing the CDM at the national level24 Identify/select relevant members of the groups Develop ToRs and workplans for the working groups
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (8)
Activity for objective 4: Identify and designate an appropriate focal point agency to be responsible for coordinating national CDM activities and investments Prepare ToR and determine the organisational structure for the focal point agency Work with the focal point agency to develop a multi-year work plan for promoting national CDM activities and investment
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (9)
Activity for objective 4: Review existing models for establishing CNA from other countries Consult related ministries/agencies to develop suitable options for establishing CAN Identify an appropriate mechanism (legislation, regulation, rule, decree, etc.) for establishing CAN Develop the mandate, roles, responsibilities, organisational structure, etc. of the CAN Identify the staffing and infrastructure needs of the CNA
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (10)
Activity for objective 4: Set up CNA with its functions and responsibilities Develop specific regulatory, legal, financial and technical guidelines that can be applied to the key activities in the CDM project cycle Prepare and issue operational guidelines for proposed CDM projects at the national level Prepare evaluation criteria and procedure for national approval of potential CDM projects Conduct national workshop to introduce and discuss the guidelines with main stakeholders and CDM project partners
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (11)
Activity for objective 4: Periodically review the regulatory, legal, financial and technical guidelines and draw up recommendations for their amendments Participate in Asian regional training workshops to exchange and share experiences and lessons for CDM activity management Work with international experts to develop guidelines for defining and projecting national, sectoral, and project baseline parameters in a manner that is consistent with decisions of the Parties to the UNFCCC on determining “additionality” and baselines
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (12)
Activity for objective 4: Organize a workshop to present and discuss the guidelines and revise them based on workshop outputs Finalize the baseline parameters that will apply to CDM projects in the country Participate in national and regional workshops to illustrate the use of proposed baseline parameters in determining the eligibility and additionality of proposed CDM projects
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (13)
Activity for objective 4: Develop capacity within the CNA in: 1) validating CDM projects and 2) tracking subsequent project support activities (monitoring, verification, and certification of resulting emission reductions) Periodically review the operation of the CNA and identify areas for strengthening of capacity through specific training Conduct/participate in national and regional training workshops that allow members of the national CDM entities to share their respective experiences and lessons learnt as well at to build their knowledge and capacity and improve their operational roles
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (14)
Activity for objective 4: Assist the national CDM entities in developing a fee for service structure that ultimately allows these entities to be financially sustainable
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (15)
Activity for objective 5: Identify relevant target groups (project developers, project financiers, NGOs, research institutions and academe), their level of understanding and specific needs Prepare information and training materials based on specific needs of each target group Organise workshops/training courses for relevant target groups.
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (16)
Activity for objective 6: Provide initial technical assistance to national counterparts in identifying, developing and validating CDM eligible projects, and in “documenting” project proposals for CDM consideration Identify and prepare a list of potential CDM projects in the energy and LUCF sectors Help project developers identify and secure financial resources necessary to develop proposals for CDM projects
II. Activity toward the achievement of the project objective (17)
Activity for objective 6: Work with the established Focal Point Agency to attract investments in CDM eligible projects that are consistent with the rules and procedures established by the parties to the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol Conduct training workshops to introduce the staff of the Focal Point Agency to the spectrum of potential project financing sources, including those sources most interested in the financing of CDM eligible projects For financially sound projects, conduct investment promotion for Annex I countries that have stated an interest in investing in CDM projects
III. Expected outputs (1)
Under objective 1: Project office arranged, key project staff selected, financial and administrative systems developed. Under objective 2: Number of individuals/institutions familiar with CDM issues increased. Documentation that helps demonstrate the national value and benefits of participation in the CDM and the procedures involved.
III. Expected outputs (2)
Under objective 3: Assessment report on the capacity for national involvement in and commitment to the principles of the CDM. Improved understanding of policy makers in relevant ministries and agencies and their capabilities to formulate the legal and regulatory frameworks for operationalizing CDM activities Working groups of policy makers established to participate in preparing regulatory, legal, financial, and technical guidelines for development, validation, implementation, monitoring, verification and certification of CDM projects.
III. Expected outputs (3)
Under objective 4: A Focal Point Agency established to coordinate national CDM activities in the country. A CNA established. A set of regulatory, legal, financial and technical guidelines that will govern the development, validation, implementation, monitoring, verification and certification of CDM project activities. Clearly defined baseline parameters for CDM projects. Operational CNA that is responsible for the validation of CDM projects and for tracking the subsequent monitoring, verification, and certification of resulting emission reductions.
III. Expected outputs (4)
Under objective 5: Better information about existing skills and specific needs of each of target groups; high quality training materials; and improved skills/capabilities of concerned individuals on a variety of CDM topics Under objective 6: Published national portfolios of validated CDM eligible projects. Enabling investment for CDM eligible projects
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