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Das steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Thats a different story. / Thats a horse of a different color. (Meaning – That is a different matter) Literal German:

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Presentation on theme: "Das steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Thats a different story. / Thats a horse of a different color. (Meaning – That is a different matter) Literal German:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Das steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Thats a different story. / Thats a horse of a different color. (Meaning – That is a different matter) Literal German: That stands on another piece of paper. (stehen – to stand / in this case… is written)

2 Das ist nicht dein Bier. That is none of your business. (Meaning – that is of no concern to you. Literal German: That is not your beer. (das Bier – beer)

3 Ich drücke dir die Daumen. Im crossing my fingers for you. (Meaning – I am hoping the best for you. Literal German: I am pressing my thumbs for you. (This is similar to crossing the fingers for luck in America.)

4 Das Projekt haben wir jetzt unter Dach und Fach. The project is now all wrapped up. (Meaning – it is completed. / It is finished Literal German: We have the project under roof and Subject. (das Fach – subject (die Fächer) / das Dach – roof (die Dächer)

5 Honesty is the best policy. (Meaning – it is better to be truthful. Literal German: Honesty lasts the longest. (währen – to last / to endure) Ehrlich währt am längsten

6 Everything is going down the drain now. (Meaning – something is getting worse / falling apart Literal German: Everything is now in the bucket. (der Eimer – bucket) Es geht jetzt alles im Eimer.

7 United we stand, divided we fall. (Meaning – We will succeed together and fail if apart. Literal German: Harmony nourishes, discord consumes. (nähren – to nourish / verzehren – to consume) Eintracht nährt, Unfriede verzehrt.

8 We must strike while the iron is hot. (Meaning – We must act now while we can. Literal German: We must forge the iron, as long as it is hot. (schmieden – to forge) Wir müssen das Eisen schmieden, so lange es heiß ist.

9 No man was born a master. (Meaning – Nobody is perfect Literal German: There is still no master fallen from heaven. (der Meister – master / der Himmel – heaven or sky. Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen.

10 It is never as bad as it seems (Meaning – It appears worse than it really is. Literal German: It will not be eaten as hot as how it was cooked. (essen – gegessen / kochen – gekocht) Es wird nichts so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wird.

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