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Mrs. Roach and Mrs. Peterson 2012/2013

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Roach and Mrs. Peterson 2012/2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Roach and Mrs. Peterson 2012/2013
Second Chance Reading Mrs. Roach and Mrs. Peterson 2012/2013

2 Introductions Mrs. Roach I have taught for 13 years.
This is my 4th year teaching Second Chance Reading. I have had many successes with students making lots of progress in the 3 years of teaching Second Chance Reading.

3 Introductions Mrs. Peterson Fifth year teacher
Fourth year teaching Second Chance Reading

4 Second Chance Reading Purpose of program:
SCR focuses on comprehension skills but also targets vocabulary development and fluency in both fiction and non-fiction texts. This program is a comprehensive analysis of research on reading. SCR combines multiple strategies and practices into a structure for reading instruction and has proved successful in both urban and rural settings.

5 Second Chance Reading Strands of Program:
1. Extensive independent reading at students’ recreational level. 2. Vocabulary development at both age-appropriate and recreational reading levels. 3. Comprehension instruction for both lower- and higher-order comprehension tasks in fiction and non-fiction materials. 4. Fluency instruction and monitoring. 5. Writing as an assist to comprehension.

6 Second Chance Reading Elements: 1. Numbered Heads
2. Teacher Think Aloud/Read Aloud Co-op Comp Questions Dictated Writing Inductive Thinking Graphic Organizers Independent Reading/Vocabulary Fluency/Comprehension Tests

7 Second Chance Reading Grading
There will be no letter grades for SCR this year. Mrs. Peterson and I will use 1-4 scale for each benchmark. 4—Exceeds Expectations 3—Meets Expectations 2—Progressing Toward Expectations 1—Does Not Meet Expectations

8 Second Chance Reading

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