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Presentation on theme: "Pranayama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pranayama

2 prana – Vital Energy yama – to contain Therefore: Pranayama means containing the vital energy in the body through focused breathing

3 Yoga is breath and breath is life
Breath initiates birth and death

4 Breathing connects the world
the air we breath is the same air people on the other side of the world breath toxins from China caused high rate of autism in California

5 Committing to a breathing practice
purify the mind release negativities (samskaras)

6 Lung Capacity poor posture and lack of awareness of the breath is suffocating us shallow breathing = fatigue sluggishness negative thoughts depression constricts the process of digestion and elimination

7 The Lungs extend from the base of the ribs to the collar bones
from the front of the body to the back (the shoulder blades) the whole body moves with the breath up and down front to back side to side

8 The diaphragm the diaphragm moves in concert to the breath – with each inhalation and exhalation the diaphragm drops as the lungs fill and releases back up as the lungs deflate

9 Types of breathing Clavicular breathing – most common and least effective Shoulders and collarbones (clavicles) lift while abdomen draws in on inhalation Requires much effort and has low return

10 Intercostal breathing
ribs expand and release but breath is incomplete and fills only two chambers of the lungs

11 Deep abdominal breathing
oxygen is carried to the base of the lungs or the largest portion where most oxygen uptake occurs diaphragm is used but it is incomplete because the other areas of the lungs are not used

12 Full Yogic Breathing also known as – three part breathing or diaphragmatic breathing combines all three styles of breathing it fills and empties the lungs completely most effective while relaxing or lounging essential breath – original natural way of breathing

13 Empowered thoracic breathing
or diaphragmatic breathing method of breathing during asana practice or other physical activities lower abdomen (uddiyana bandha), just below naval center, is drawn in and up to stabilize abdominal organs and lumbar spine breath mainly fills ribcage area – charging the core with heat and power difference to intercostal is awareness and core engagement

14 Directing the breath refine channels of prana (energy)
learn to focus the mind awaken the body promote health those who breathe properly emanate radiance, vitality and beauty the breath has healing potentials

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