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Legume CHOICE_Project

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1 Legume CHOICE_Project
Draft Activity Plan for Year- 1&2 Ethiopia Planning Meeting, March 9, 2015

2 Output 1. Farming system diagnosis and related entry points for multi-purpose legumes in farming systems and synthesis of lessons learnt across all Action Sites. Activity 1.1: Quick baseline survey Data analysis, Reporting and Publishing No. Sub-activities Due date Remark 1 Jeldu baseline survey March 2015?? Year1 2 Double data entry in CSPro March 2015??? 3 Country wise data analysis ---end of April 2015 Year2 4 Cross country analysis May-June, 2015 5 Prepare cross-site manuscript May-August, 2015

3 Activity 1.1: Farm characterization survey
No. Sub-activities Due date Remark 1 Jeldu farm characterization survey April, 2015 Year1 2 Double data entry in CSPro 3 Country wise data analysis & report writing ---end of May, 2015 Year2 4 Cross country analysis May-June, 2015 5 Prepare cross-site manuscript June-September, 2015

4 Activity 1.2: Assessing current institutional environment within which smallholders operate
No. Sub-activities Due date Remark 1 Collect secondary information (Humid tropics, national survey) March 2015?? Year1 2 Key informant interviews and/or FGD on socio -technical conditions (field site level) ---end of April 2015 3 Report on current institutional environment (field site level) ---end of June 2015 Year2

5 Process and decision steps
Activity 1.3. Identification of entry points for legume intensification & diversification, based on results from above activities & secondary information Process and decision steps No. Sub-activities Due date Remark 1 Review the information we have already collected (FGD, BLS, FCS) March, 2015 Year1 2 Refine Legume CHOICE tool based on annual meeting discussions (simplify FCD document, more legume options in the tool…) 3 Application of Legume CHOICE tool at Diga (2nd FGD) ---end of April, 2015 Year2 4 Decide on interventions March-May, 2015 -      Discussion with & feedback from farmers, experts and DA’s 5 Implement interventions based on results June-September, 2015

6 Output2. A suite of proven, farmer- and system-specific legume-based options for system intensification No. Activities Due date Remark 1 List of intervention activities March, 2015 Year1 2 Development of specific intervention protocols 3 Preparation of template for data collection ---end of May, 2015 Year2

7 Possible Intervention Areas
To be confirmed back with farmers Intercropping of haricot bean with maize: (Training, improved practice vs. farmer practice) Introduction, demonstration of improved varieties of ground nut with their management options and comparing with farmers practices. Introduction and demonstration of new varieties of pigeon pea to be used/planted as hedgerow on already established soil conservation structures to serve as biological soil conservation material and to be used as live-stake for annual climbing bean production.

8 Possible Intervention Areas
Introduction and demonstration of improved varieties of commonly grown highland legumes such as faba bean and field pea with inoculums and with their management options and comparing with farmers practices and varieties. Introduction and demonstration of legume species with soil conservation/erosion control capacity while simultaneously fixing atmospheric N plus awareness creation about the functions Potato mono-cropping is a common practice – Demonstration of legume intercropping in potato (particularly field pea)

9 Output3. LegumeCHOICE – a decision support framework for enhancing the contributions of legumes to farmer livelihoods. No. Activities Due date Remark 1 Co-development of prototype decision support framework March-June, 2015 Year2 -          Contribute to refinement of LCTool -          Test tool in each study sites 2 Further populating of locally important legumes into the LCTool. ….end of June, 2015 3 Conduct training of research partners on use of LCTool. ---end of May, 2015


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