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Save, O God, by your great name, vindicate me, blot out blame

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1 Save, O God, by your great name, vindicate me, blot out blame
Save, O God, by your great name, vindicate me, blot out blame. Lord, my earnest praying hear, to my pleading words give ear. [Sing to the Lord 54]

2 from their violence set me free.
2. Strangers are attacking me; from their violence set me free. From their life the Lord they’ve banned, but to me God is at hand.

3 evil deeds back on them roll; ’gainst my foes the Lord defends,
3. God, the Lord, sustains my soul; evil deeds back on them roll; ’gainst my foes the Lord defends, and my praise to him ascends.

4 it is good beyond all blame. God delivered me from grief;
4. I give thanks unto your name; it is good beyond all blame. God delivered me from grief; I now celebrate relief! Sing to the Lord 54 Projected with permission Text: John Goris, 2004, © Sing to the Lord, 2008 Tune: John B. Dykes, 1862

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