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The (not so) Roaring Twenties:

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1 The (not so) Roaring Twenties:

2 A. calamity, affluence and poverty
1918 Influenza 1919 Indian Citizenship Act Many Indians did not receive their after war bonuses especially New York

3 B. Indian System Where were Indians?
What were needs-desires of Rez Indians? What were needs-desires of Urban Indians? What obligations did Fed have to Rez? What obligations did States have to Rez? What was the status quo in each? ie conditions

4 B. Indian System 1922: Bursum bill in NM
Nov. 3, st All Pueblo Council “An Appeal for Fair Play” 1923: Pueblo testimony in Congress effectively defeats the Bursum Bill

5 C. Indian affluence Mildred Bailey (Coeur d’Alene, WA)
Mrs. Swing on CBS radio Menominees in Wisconsin restricted timber leasing, started self-sustaining timber-sawmill comp. Wallace Altaha (Apache) began livestock venture 1890s by 1910s-1920s $25,000 War Bonds Osages in OK on rich oil fields 1900s in 3 years 50,000 to 5 million barrels, after allotment kept sub-surface rights 1925 headrights up to $13,000 per person Jackson Barnett (Creek) Oil Profiteer, tabloid regular

6 D. Indian poverty Allotment
1900: 6.7 million acres 1910: 31 million acres 1920: 36 million acres Land-resource base weakened self-sustaining Indian communities leading to much higher poverty 1924: Zitkala Ša publishes Oklahoma’s Poor Rich Indians

7 E. Rising Activism 1919 Soc. of American Indians petitioned Paris Peace Conf. Dec Arapaho (Wy) in Paris 1927 Christine Quintasket (Morning Dove) (Salish) Cogawea 1928 Luther Standing Bear (Sioux) My People 1923: American Indian Defense Association (AIDA) created

8 F. Fed responses 1923: Sec. Interior Hubert Work appoints Arthur Parker (Seneca) to chair Comm. of One Hundred Virginia Racial Integrity Act of 1924 1924 Indian Citizenship Act 1926: 91 agency hospitals but … 1928: Meriam Report 1929 Hoover appointed Charles Rhoads to Comm. Of Indian Affairs

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