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Was it Worth It? The Impacts of Social Movements

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Presentation on theme: "Was it Worth It? The Impacts of Social Movements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Was it Worth It? The Impacts of Social Movements

2 Question How and to what extent is it possible to link social movements to social change?

3 David Chappell 3 Spheres for Assessing Social Movements
1) Political / Legal Transformation 2) Cultural Transformation 3) Personal / Biographical Transformation

4 Civil Rights Movement Political and Legal Change
Destroyed System of Legal Segregation in the South Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Civil Rights Act (1964) Voting Rights Act (1965) Passage of 24th Amendment Ending Poll Tax (1964) Reinterpreted 15th Amendment Guaranteeing African Americans the Right to Vote

5 Civil Rights Movement Cultural Change
Changed the cultural expectations of Black Americans about entitlement to civil rights Changed the cultural attitudes of White Americans that racism was not a virtue.

6 Civil Rights Movement Personal Change??

7 Backlash / Cycles of Protest
…Often occurs when social movements win political / legal battles that divide the country down the middle, especially when the losers are intensely committed. Brown: Galvanized white opposition to desegregation; Miranda: Galvanized opposition to rights of criminal defendants. Furman: produced a dramatic resurgence in support for the death penalty. Roe: Engendered enormous opposition to the woman’s right to choose an abortion. DOMA: Defense of Marriage Act (1996) galvanizes same sex marriage advocates and results in Federal Courts striking down bans on same sex marriage. Obergefell v. Hodges: In striking down federal bans on same sex marriage, the case energizes states to “pre-empt” efforts at extending transgender rights.

8 Repertoires Boycotts [Farmworkers, Palestinian Rights]
Civil Disobedience [Civil Rights Movement] Mass Mobilization [Arab Spring] Legal / Court Challenges [Marriage Equality, Civil Rights, Farmworkers] Media [All]

9 Outcome Categories Full achievement of goals
Partial achievement of goals (compromise) Pre-emption / counter-attack by opponents Collapse

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