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Our Ecosystems By Grade 1: Rose.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Ecosystems By Grade 1: Rose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Ecosystems By Grade 1: Rose

2 What are Ecosystems? Ecosystems are dynamic interactions between plants, animals, and other organisms, and their environment working together as a functional unit. An ecosystem can only accommodate up to a certain number of organisms at a given time since there are food, water and shelter to be considered.

3 Humans and the Ecosystems
Humans and the ecosystems have a symbiotic relationship. We both give and take products from each other. Still, it is not for us to abuse the Earth.

4 Terrestrial Ecosystems
Forest ecosystem Grassland ecosystem Desert ecosystem Mountain ecosystem

5 Terrestrial Ecosystem
Forest ecosystem

6 Human Impact Negative Impact Deforestation Over-exploitation

7 Human Impact Positive Impact Genetic biodiversity
Ecotourism (raising awareness)

8 Terrestrial ecosystems
Grassland Ecosystem

9 Human Impact Negative Impact Overgrazing
Loss of habitat for native species

10 Human Impact Positive Impact Creating of Wildlife Sanctuaries
Re-introduction of native species

11 Terrestrial Ecosystem
Desert Ecosystem

12 Human Impact Negative Impact
Destructive mining (Gold and other precious stones) Extraction of Fossil Fuels

13 Human Impact Positive Impact
Harvesting of Solar Energy instead of fossil fuels

14 Terrestrial Ecosystems
Mountain Ecosystem

15 Human Impact Negative Impact Illegal Logging
Destruction of natural habitats for native species

16 Human Impact Positive Impact Controlled Tourism Protection of Wildlife

17 Aquatic Ecosystems Pond / Lake ecosystem Ocean ecosystem
River ecosystem Estuary ecosystem

18 Aquatic Ecosystems Pond Ecosystem

19 Human Impact Negative Impact Eutrophication
Water contamination from heavy metals

20 Human Impact Positive Impact Environmental Management
Pollution Control

21 Aquatic Ecosystems Ocean Ecosystem

22 Human Impact Negative Impact Overfishing Habitat Loss

23 Human Impact Positive Impact Artificial Reefs
Protected Areas against Fishing

24 Aquatic Ecosystems River Ecosystem

25 Human Impact Negative Impact Human Waste Human Recreational Activities

26 Human Impact Positive Impact Creation of Dams and Canals
Protection of Native Species

27 Aquatic Ecosystems Estuary Ecosystem

28 Human Impact Negative Impact Housing Projects
Changing Natural Fresh Water Flow

29 Human Impact Positive Impact Mangrove Forests
Protection of Breeding Grounds for Fishes

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