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Drill & Ceremonies Sep 7, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Drill & Ceremonies Sep 7, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill & Ceremonies Sep 7, 2016

2 Purpose of Drill Orderly way of moving a group of people from one point to another Drill helps the individual Builds self-discipline & self-confidence Drill builds the team Promotes unity & teamwork Drill develops leaders Promotes chain of command & decision making

3 30 Step Drill Sequence 2. Open ranks march 17. To the rear march
1. Fall in To the rear march 2. Open ranks march 17. To the rear march 3. Ready front Column right march 4. Close ranks march 19. Forward march 5. Present arms Eyes right (salute the evaluator) 6. Order arms Ready Front 7. Parade rest Column right march 8. Attention Forward march 9. Left face Change step march 10. About face Column right march 11. Forward march Forward march 12. Right flank march 27. Flight halt 13. Left flank march 28. Left face 14. Column right march 29. Right step march 15. Forward march Flight halt

4 Commands & Command Voice
Preparatory (What) Present Forward Parade N/A Execution (When) Arms March Rest Fall In At Ease

5 Command Voice Voice Characteristics Loudness Projection
Distinctiveness Inflection Snap

6 Questions?

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