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Whole Foods: Applied By; Theresa Witham.

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1 Whole Foods: Applied By; Theresa Witham

2 The Application of Whole Foods
Whole food consumption is a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Our ancestors were eating whole foods before where was much knowledge of food processing beyond smoking and curing meat. It makes sense that this is what the human body is most used to because of the centuries of whole food consumption. If we a struggling is weight gain or lethargy than instead of a diet fad or some new chemical to help us feel better it would make sense to make a life style change to healthier living.

3 Whole Foods Explained Grains Protein Fruits Vegetables Dairy and Oil
Eat a variety of goods for a healthy diet Discuss the food pyramid, there are a variety a pyramids available. Is this confusing or helpful?

4 Mind-Body Connection Remember that your mind and body are one in the same, when one is struggling, the other is too. When your emotions are out of balance your less likely to stay on track with any healthy life style changes. If stress is unavoidable try to build some healthy coping skills to handle the stress in healthy ways instead of unhealthy ways that you might be used to. If you get stuck in a rut of unhealthy habits reach out to healthy supports, don’t forget about that local nutrition center for nutrition support grout, I bet they need some volunteers. Pyramid: Mind/body/spirit

5 Web Resources: The super tracker on the USDA Choose my plate website is an extremely helpful tool: The Outside online site gives clients a wide range of living healthy guidelines: My fitness pal is another site a lot like the USDA’s My plate. The great thing about this site is the ability to download as an app and keep track of your food intake and physical activity throughout the day.

6 Stress and Processed Foods
Stress and processed foods cause a compounded problem. According to Seaward the four stress domino factors are as follows: Stress depletes nutrients from the body. Current American lifestyles under stress do not promote or reinforce good eating habits. Consequently, the nutrients depleted under chronic stress are not restored. Some food substances are known to increase sympathetic drive or other physiological responses that keep the stress response elevated. Many foods that are processed contribute to a cumulative effect of toxins. Caffeine, processed sugar, processed flour, and salt are some substances that can keep the stress response elevated. Blood glucose levels rise dramatically with meals based in carbohydrates, these type foods are staples in the Americanized diet. A person under stress is extremely vulnerable to nutritional deficiency.

7 Fight or Flight Phenominon
“The human body’s natural inclination, when confronted with stress, is to move, be active, or exercise.” Exercise utilizes the stress hormones for their intentioned purpose; the cleansing of stress hormones with physical activity is matchless. Physical activity reinforces the reliability of the body’s characteristic functions. Physical decline develops from chronic distress and physical improvement is seen with individuals who exercise regularly. When the body encounters a stressful situation the fight or flight syndrome is activated, this releases stress hormones into the body. The key is to utilize these hormones properly to gain benefits from them.

8 The Benefit When we start the cycle, the stages of change that we discussed in the previous lecture. We are making positive changes in our lives that will break this distress cycle. By increasing our consumption of whole foods, preferably organic whole foods, we are telling our bodies that we are ready to start working again. The body in turn will start giving us more energy to want to perform exercises that we never wanted to do before. The cycle can be broken.

9 References Seaward, B.L. (2009). Managing Stress Principles for Health and Well-being 6th Edition

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