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Having white hairs in teenage is a common problem nowadays

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1 Causes & treatment of White or gray hair in children , teenagers & young people

2 Having white hairs in teenage is a common problem nowadays
Having white hairs in teenage is a common problem nowadays. Many teenagers are facing the problems of having white hairs at such a young age. The hair follicles contain melanin which is the one that gives color to the hair. As a person becomes older, the hair gradually loses its color and becomes white in the long run. That is why white hair is common in people who are in their older age . Hair goes gray when color-producing cells stop producing pigment, hydrogen peroxide can also build up in the hair, bleaching the color . Gray hair appear before age 20 in Caucasians, before age 25 in Asians, and before age 30 in blacks, before30 is early for African-Americans .

3 Causes of gray hair Intrinsic factors: Genetic defects Hormones
Body distribution Age 1- The most common reason of white hairs is the inheritance through genes. If your parents or immediate family relatives have white hair at early age, this might be the reason of your problem. 2- Studies show that smoking can contribute to the early growth of white hair. (as well as between smoking and male baldness) smoking may cause premature graying. When compared to nonsmokers in the study, smokers were at a four times higher risk of graying prematurely.

4 Extrinsic factors: Climate Pollutants Toxins Chemical exposure 3-if dye is used, be sure to use vegetable dye or henna. Test for allergic reaction first, by applying a tiny amount of the prepared product on a patch of skin 4- A vitamin B-12 deficiency &This vitamin is found in animal products (such as fish, meat, milk and eggs) or problems with the pituitary or thyroid gland or anemia can cause premature graying that’s reversible if the problem is corrected. 5- Some research has suggested a connection between premature graying and lower bone density later in life. However, a 2007 study of about 1,200 men and women in california showed this not to be the case.“Your level of bone density is all related to activity level, your weight, your height, your ethnicity. It’s not really related to your hair or the things controlling the color of your hair,”

5 6- due to protein defficiency …It is most commonly recorded in African countries where the protein content of the diet of poorer people is often very low and it is children who are most affected because their need for protein is relatively high due to their growth. 7- Some autoimmune and genetic conditions are associated with premature graying, including vitiligo, Werner syndrome, and alopecia areata - which causes only the colored hairs to fall out and look like the hair turned white overnight. 8- Mental worries and stress. Anxiety, fear and tensions, adversely affect the scalp and hair root. Stress is also considered a culprit when it comes to premature graying. Stress, overburdening oneself and anxiety can also cause early aging. However, this factor is still debatable. 8- washing the hair with hot water, drying it with an electric dryer, and use of hair dyes.

6 Treatment 1- The anti-cancer drug Imatinib has recently been shown to reverse the graying process. However, it is much too expensive with potentially severe and deadly side effects to be used to alter a person's hair color. Nevertheless, if the mechanism of action of Imatinib on melanocyte stem cells can be discovered, it is possible that a safer and less expensive substitute drug might someday be developed. 2-Eating of foods rich in iron, vitamin B, sodium, and copper . Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that fight against free radicals which can cause premature white hair. 3- Massage hair with coconut oil that is boiled with curry leaves. 4- Apply oil and gooseberry powder mixture. 5-Use henna as a natural hair dye for white hair. Folic acid can also prevent hair from becoming white. 6- Foods rich in iodine – fish, carrots, and bananas are highly recommended as they maintain the health of the hair.

7 7- If you do want to prevent or reverse your gray hair then you can take a tablet called Melancor. This is a new product on the market and works in two ways. Firstly when you get gray hair you have a genetically based tendency to produce less melanin as body pigments. Melancor triggers Melanocytes which helps overcome this tendency by increasing you body’s ability to produce melanin pigments.Disabled World - Causes of gray hair is not always related to ones age as hair can turn gray as young as teens and range into our late . 8- The vitamins considered useful in guarding against premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg of pantothenic acid, 100 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, and 2 gm of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results, all three of these vitamins belonging to the B group should be supplied at one time, preferably in a form which supplies all the B vitamins, such as yeast and liver. The three anti-greying-hair vitamins can also be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria.

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