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Uniform Acceleration Aircraft Carrier Catapult System

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Presentation on theme: "Uniform Acceleration Aircraft Carrier Catapult System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uniform Acceleration Aircraft Carrier Catapult System
Acceleration Overview Speeding up and Slowing Down Uniform vs. Nonuniform Acceleration Average Acceleration Graphing Constant Acceleration (P-T, V-T and A-T graphs) The Big 5 Acceleration Equations Lots of practice questions with answers

2 Steam Power Catapult System on Aircraft Carriers
See how videos are embedded into your lesson. Simple click the image on the left in slideshow mode and it will automatically open in your browser. Aircraft carrier jets display some of the most accelerations you will see. Take-off: 0 km/h to 265 km/h in only 2.0 s Landing: 240 km/h  0 km/h in 100 m

3 Steam Power Catapult System on Aircraft Carriers
Aircraft carrier jets display some of the greatest accelerations you will see. Take-off: 0 km/h to 265 km/h in only 2.0 s Landing: 240 km/h  0 km/h in 100 m

4 TeachWithFergy Preview File
Please enjoy this preview of your Student Version of the Power Point. Some slides appear blank because they have been removed. Student versions have portions of the text removed which is given in the teacher version and appear as ______ Other slides may have on them, this represents writing that has been removed. Please note that the Entire Unit Package can also be purchased at a steep discount from my Store.

5 Acceleration __________
Velocity is a vector quantity therefore, acceleration is also a vector quantity Average acceleration, aav, is the change in velocity divided by the time interval for that change: where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, and Δt is the time interval. Instantaneous acceleration …………..

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7 Speeding up or Slowing Down
Since acceleration is the change in velocity, you can have acceleration as an object speeds up (positive acceleration) AND when it slows down (negative acceleration) Both display a change in velocity What do you think the slope of the VT graph tells you?

8 Uniform vs. Nonuniform Acceleration
Uniform acceleration is motion that ______ Nonuniform acceleration is motion that doesn’t travel in a straight line and/or doesn’t change it speed uniformly.

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10 Average Acceleration Since the change of velocity of a moving object is the final velocity (vf) minus the initial velocity (vi), the equation for acceleration can be written

11 Check Your Understanding
A motorbike starting from rest and undergoing uniform acceleration reaches a velocity of 21.0 m/s [N] in 8.4 s. Find its average acceleration.

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13 Check Your Understanding
Rearrange the acceleration equation below to solve for t.

14 Check Your Understanding

15 Check Your Understanding
Rearrange the acceleration equation below to solve for vi

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17 Check Your Understanding
Is it possible to have acceleration when the velocity is zero? If “no,” explain. Is it possible to have an eastward velocity with a westward acceleration? If “no,” explain why not. If “yes,” give an example. A flock of …………… A track runner, starting from …………… The Renault Espace is a production car that can go from rest to 26.7 m/s with an incredibly large average acceleration of magnitude 9.52 m/s2. (a)  How long does the Espace take to achieve its speed of 26.7 m/s? (b)  What is this speed in kilometres per hour? An arrow strikes a target in an archery ……………..

18 Nonuniform Acceleration
For nonuniform accelerated motion, the velocity-time graph for the motion is not a straight line and the slope changes. In this case, _____

19 Graphing Motion with Constant Acceleration
A speedboat accelerates uniformly from rest for 8.0 s, with a displacement of 128 m [E] over that time interval. See the position-time graph below ________

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21 The acceleration can be determined from the slope of the line on the velocity-time which is

22 P-T, V-T and A-T Graphs

23 What the graphs tell us The area ……………
The area under the line on an acceleration-time graph _________

24 Check Your Understanding
This is the acceleration-time graph of a car accelerating through its first three gears. Assume that the initial velocity is zero. Use the information in the graph to determine the final velocity in each gear. Draw the corresponding velocity-time graph.

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26 Check Your Understanding - Solutions
The area under each segment of the a-t plot is the CHANGE in velocity during the time interval ΔA =

27 Check Your Understanding
This chart summarizes observations of a crawling baby experiencing constant acceleration over several successive 2.0 s intervals. Draw a …………….. Use the information on your velocity-time graph to draw the corresponding acceleration-time graph. Time (s) Velocity 10 2 15 4 20 6 8 5

28 The Big 5 Acceleration Equations
Use these equations to solve motion problems involving acceleration, displacement, time and velocity.

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30 Check Your Understanding
A motorcyclist, travelling initially at 12 m/s [W], changes gears and speeds up for 3.5 s with a constant acceleration of 5.1 m/s2 [W]. What is the motorcyclist’s displacement over this time interval? Determine your Given(s) and Unknown(s) and assign your positive directions. +

31 Check Your Understanding
A motorcyclist, travelling initially at 12 m/s [W], changes gears and speeds up for 3.5 s with a constant acceleration of …………. Choose the equation ……………

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33 Check Your Understanding
Starting from rest at t = 0.0 s, a car accelerates uniformly at m/s2 [S]. What is the car’s displacement from its initial position at 5.0 s? +

34 Check Your Understanding
An Olympic diver falls from rest from the high platform. Assume that the fall is the same as the official height of the platform above water, 10.0 m. At what velocity does the diver strike the water? +

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