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Chip Kidd By: Nick Marolda. Chip Kidd By: Nick Marolda.

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2 Chip Kidd By: Nick Marolda

3 Chip Kidd Graphic designer of book sleeves A novelist
The Cheese Monkeys The Learners Batman memorabilia collector Associate Art Director at Alfred A. Knopf Editor Pantheon, a group under Alfred A. Knopf.

4 Chip Kidd Lead vocalist, percussionist, lyricist, and co-songwriter in a band called Artbreak He lives part time in both New York City and Stonington, Connecticut has designed more than 1,500 book covers for many big name writers

5 Work Since Chip Kidd does work for clients his work is greatly affected by the authors as well as the subject mater of the book His process is to read the book and then just try to come up with an idea at to what will provide a little insight into the underlying meaning of the book

6 Themes Photography Typography The layout of the book jacket

7 Photography Uses photography in majority of works
Distorts or uses partial images to draw attention

8 Typography Chooses font, placement, size, and color to try and evoke an emotion

9 Layout His style of layout can be compared to comic books
Being an avid collector he is obviously going to be influenced

10 Conclusion Kidd is one of the most respected and wanted graphic designers when it comes to book covers. “Book jackets do not sell books… The best a jacket can do is act as a name tag at a singles’ party – it can introduce you to the wearer, and then after that the book is on its own. You’ll either like its personality and take it home or decide it’s not your type and move on”


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