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Sign in and find your child’s

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Presentation on theme: "Sign in and find your child’s"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sign in and find your child’s
Back To School Night Sign in and find your child’s seat. If you brought supplies, you can leave them on your child’s desk.

2 A Bit About Me I have been teaching for 25 years. Most of that time has been in 4th grade. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University, Bloomington and a Master’s degree from Purdue Calumet. My husband Bruce and I have twin son’s named Michael and Matthew. They are in fifth grade here at Joan Martin.

3 Important Information
Important Times  Elementary - 8:55 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Student may enter building starting at 8:45 –Tardy after 8:55 Late Start Wednesday- 9:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Enter at 9:05 –Tardy after 9:15 A lunch detention will be given for each tardy after the fourth tardy. First Day is NOT a late start. Specials Schedule Monday Art :00-10:50 Tuesday Gym :00-10:50 Wednesday Art :00-10:50 Thursday Library :00-10:50 Friday Music :00-10:50 Please make sure your child wears or brings gym shoes for Gym Class on Tuesday*

4 Communication/Updates
The key to a successful school year is communication between home and school. I encourage you to or call me with any questions or concerns. Phone ext. 8569 Below are ways you may receive information: Facebook page S’more Newsletter ( ed) s Skyward Planner Class webpage Please let me know if you need a paper copy of the newsletters.

5 Team Teaching Mrs. Caddick will be teaching:
Math Writing Grammar Indiana History Phone ext. 8537

6 Notes Please send a note to school if your child:
is absent (or it is unexcused) has an appointment will be leaving early has a transportation change *Please make sure that your child knows how they are getting home after school. Students are not allowed to ride a friend’s bus home. I might NOT be checking may , facebook, etc throughout the day. If changes occur during the day, please call the office.

7 Grading Scale A B C D 59-Below- F

8 Skyward- Online Grading System
I enter in grades throughout the week. Parents can log in at any time and see the grades for each assignment and overall grades for each subject. Please make sure the you have in Skyward is current. It will be the way I send out all communications with parents. If , phone numbers, or address changes, please let me know so we can update Skyward.

9 Learning Goals Our learning goals will be posted in the classroom.
I will also send home our current information and learning goals in the weekly newsletters.

10 Green Take Home Folder Folder comes home daily
Might contain homework, graded work, important notes Review with your child nightly

11 Class Rules Follow the P’s- Be PREPARED Be POLITE Be PATIENT

12 Behavior – These are taped in the front of our planners
You can check behavior every night Incentives and Consequences

13 Facebook This year, I have set up a class Facebook page.
It is a restricted group and I must approve all requests to join. I will upload pictures and videos from class as well as announcements of upcoming events. Follow the link to join our group’s page.

14 Parties Halloween Social – Supplies Winter Social – Supplies
Valentine’s Ice Cream Social – Supplies & Volunteers

15 Homework Homework most nights Should be reading 30 min. each day
Students will use planners to record their reading each night. (TAP) Technology Check planner daily for assignments Long term assignments will also be recorded in planner No late work

16 Planners Each student needs to have a planner this year to keep track of nightly homework. Parents initial nightly Students need to purchase a planner by Monday. Cost is $4.50 2016

17 Birthdays Birthdays- We are always glad to celebrate birthdays and even half birthdays for those summer babies. All snacks need to be store bought. We have 28 students. Please send in anything needed such as plates, napkins, spoons, etc

18 Snacks We will have a working snack time each morning. Students can bring in a healthy snack. No chips, candy, sugary foods or messy foods Pre slice or peel fruits, if needed. Suggested: pretzels, fruit, crackers Water only in the classroom

19 Other Information Medications- All medication needs to be dropped off at the office by an adult. Students can keep cough drops in the classroom if they don’t over use them.

20 Partners We can help your child be successful in fourth grade if we are partners in your child’s education. Feel free to contact me with concerns. I can also meet with you to discuss your child. Call or me to set up an appointment.

21 Technology Students will be transporting their brand new Chrome books to school and home using their clear backpacks. I will be assigning homework and practice nightly using apps and websites. Using our new program Go Guardian, I can monitor all of your child’s online activity.

22 Technology Feel free to purchase a mouse or a case for the Chrome book. Chrome books need to be charged each night. I would prefer that charging cords be brought to school each day. Responsible Use Policy

23 Forms Please fill out and return all forms by Monday.
They need to be turned into the office as soon as possible.

24 Thanks for coming!! Any questions?

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