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Desert Notes.

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1 Desert Notes

2 Deserts of the World Gobi Great Basin Sahara Mojave & Sonoran
Great Arabian Atacamas Khalihari & Namib Great Victoria & Great Sandy

3 1. 2. 3. 4. 30% of land covered by deserts Important Desert Facts
Less than 10” of precipitation a year Sparse, widely spaced, mostly low vegetation Found at latitudes 30o N or S of Equator (and East sides of mountains = RAINSHADOW) 30% of land covered by deserts

4 Different Types of Deserts Tropical Deserts Ex  Sahara of N. Africa
2) Temperate Deserts 3) Cold Deserts High temperatures year round Very little rain Rain falls only once or twice a year Ex  Mojave of S. California High daytime temp in summer, low in winter Slightly more precipitation Ex  Gobi of China Cold winters, summers warm (or hot) Very little precipitation

5 Mrs. Sterling’s trip to the Atacama Desert in Chile, South America

6 The driest desert in the world…

7 Suri Vicuna

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