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By: Makensie Sawyer, Avorie Wells 4th hour

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1 By: Makensie Sawyer, Avorie Wells 4th hour
MEXICO By: Makensie Sawyer, Avorie Wells 4th hour

2 Mexico is located in the western hemisphere

3 The neighboring country’s are:
Guatemala & Honduras

4 MEXICO *Population: 119,713,203 *Export: $370.9 billion *Capital: Mexico City *Largest Cities: Mexico city (19,982,000) *Main Holidays: Day of the assumption of the virgin Mary, Independence Day, Day of the dead, Day of the virgin of Guadalupe

5 FUN FACTS *The offical name of Mexico is Estados Unidos Mexicanos.
*Mexico introduced chocolate, corn, and chilies to the world. * The chihuahua is the worlds smallest dog and is named after a Mexican State.

6 CURRENCY *1 American Dollar = Mexican Peso

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