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Session4. Examples of discrimination in the field of social protection

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1 Session4. Examples of discrimination in the field of social protection
Why does this lady has a greater chance of being discriminated in the field of social protection?

2 Examples of discrimination in the field of social protection?
Criteria Age Sex Race, ethnic origin, colour Nationality or national extraction, national minority, language Age: if they did not contribute to any pension scheme during their active life, they can only rely on family support in old-age … unless some minimum old-age pension scheme is put in place by the government Also discrimination linked to employment (when you get older more difficult to get a job, and therefore to benefit from a social protection scheme) Sex: In many pension schemes, calculation of benefits is unfavourable to women since they have a greater life expectancy and contribute less, due to job interruption and lower salaries Race / colour: Refuse of health care treatment Minority / nationality: Discrimination of migrants in irregular situation (in Europe), cultural and language barriers, geographic exclusion of some minorities that can be considered as a discrimination Handicap, health status: Discrimination of people living with HIV/Aids in France Disability, health, genetic features Social origin, fortune, birth, property Sexual orientation Religion, political …

3 Examples of discrimination in the field of social protection?
Criteria Age: if they did not contribute to any pension scheme during their active life, they can only rely on family support in old-age … Also discrimination linked to employment (more difficult to get a job, therefore to be covered) Age Sex: In many pension schemes, calculation of benefits is unfavourable to women since they have a greater life expectancy and contribute less, due to job interruption and lower salaries Discriminated people often cumulate more then one criteria ! Sex Race, ethnic origin, colour Race / colour: Refuse of health care treatment Nationality or national extraction, national minority, language Minority / nationality: Discrimination of illegal migrants (in Europe), cultural and language barriers, geographic exclusion of some minorities, ROMs Disability, health, genetic features Handicap, health status: Discrimination of people living with HIV/Aids in France Social origin, fortune, birth, property Informal economy workers Sexual orientation Religion, political …

4 Examples of discrimination in the field of social protection?
Criteria Age IMPACT ON THE RISK PROFILE Sex Race, ethnic origin, colour CORRELATE WITH: Living conditions Place of living Area of work Education Attitude twds risks Nationality or national extraction, national minority, language Disability, health, genetic features Social origin, fortune, birth, property Sexual orientation Religion, political …

5 Session4. Criteria and risk profile
Risk of illness & death is globally higher: for old men than for old women for blue-collar than for white-collar workers for elderly persons than for young and for Afro-Americans than for WASPs Knowledge about risk profiles is necessary to calculate the cost of risk However it should not be used to exclude “bad” risks OR apply higher fees to them In social protection “bad” and “good” risks musts exist alongside each other Direct discrimination consists in applying a different law, or applying the same law differently (different treatment), to persons in the same situation, based on a certain criterion. Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably for a prohibited reason. Indirect discrimination consists in applying a law in the same manner (identical treatment) to people in different situations. Indirect discrimination occurs when an arrangement, criterion or practice (a company or state rule or custom) that appears neutral (not referring to a criterion) might actually entail particular disadvantages to persons who meet one or more criteria.  Legal discrimination refers to a legal article or arrangement, i.e., appearing in a law, which is discriminatory or which could have discriminatory consequences.

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