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Web-Time Entry (WTE) Training

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Presentation on theme: "Web-Time Entry (WTE) Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-Time Entry (WTE) Training
Liz Guruwaen UOG Payroll Office June, 2017

2 What will be covered Why we are transitioning to a web-based time logging system What is Web-Time Entry (WTE) Why you need WebAdvisor access to use Using WTE – general guidelines Questions

3 Why we are using web-based time logging system
Part of Good-to-Great Will reduce the problems with predicting weeks Faster and easier generation of paychecks by the Bank of Guam

4 What is Web-Time Entry Part of a large enterprise computer software system by Ellucian. UOG runs a number of modules of Ellucian Colleague and other software products. Web-Time Entry is one of those modules and many universities in the US, and outside, use Web-Time Entry and their employee counts are much larger than ours.

5 General rules/procedures - 1
Timekeepers review and may update work hours and leave taken as needed, but DO NOT APPROVE WTE updates. Timekeeper will finalize WTE records for Unit Administrator’s review. Designated Administrators are the ONLY Approvers for WTE records to be processed by Payroll for payroll check prints. WTE updates are only for current Pay Period cycle. Daily work hours will automatically default into your WTE screen. For annual and sick leave taken, you must: Still submit paper leave forms with Supervisor's approval signature in advance as possible. Electronically record approved leave hours taken per workday and not to exceed 8 hours leave taken per work day. Use proper sick and annual leave columns properly in WTE form. Record actual leave taken hours on respective pay period end dates. Case in point, if you took 3 hours annual leave on Monday, you must record 3 hours annual leave and change your default 8 hours work to 5.

6 General rules/procedures - 2
You may use whole hours or .50 fractional hours for 30 minutes intervals for leave hours taken and work hours. Employees' deadline to finalize WTE updates and electronically sign is Wednesday 12 noon of the pay period end week or the week before pay check is released. Timekeepers' deadline to finalize WTE updates is Thursday 5 PM of the pay period end week or the week before pay check is released. Administrator approvers' deadline to finalize WTE updates is Friday, 12 PM of the pay period end week or the week before paycheck is released. An will automatically go to a designated Administrator to review employee hours. Timekeeper will review/correct all the time records for that unit then manually or advise designated administrator/approver to start approving time records. Administrator/approver will review and approve all time records under his unit before cut-off to push that unit's time record to Payroll. After cut-off period, any changes cannot be captured by Payroll.

7 Get to Web-Time via WebAdvisor

8 Everyone logs-in here

9 Everyone logs-in here ID is just the first part of your , NOT … etc.

10 If you need a new password

11 Choose “Employees” once logged-in

12 Choose “Time entry” This is your employee menu. Select “Time Entry” for your work schedule. You can go in this selection multiple times as long as you haven’t approved your timesheet.

13 PPE – Pay Period Ending This screen is your current PPE with start and end date; your job title; employment start date; your department; your supervisor; and last column is your cut-off date and time. You MUST submit or electronically sign your hours BEFORE this due date and time. Put your cursor in the box for “Choose Only One” to take you to your time record and press on “Submit” box on bottom.

14 Your time sheet This is your Time Sheet. Input your hours on the dates you worked.

If you are a full time earning annual and sick leave, this is your screen below. Taking any of these leave types requires you to remove or reduce the 8hrs from “Hours Worked” column and add under annual or sick leave columns. Each day cannot exceed 8hrs. DO NOT INPUT ANYTHING IN THE OTHER COLUMNS AFTER “sick hours” column; do not use “other time hours/other time types/shift hours/shift type/insert line.” PART TIME EMPLOYEES: If you are a part time employee, your screen is different. It should have dates of the PPE and no hours. Input total worked hours each day in the “Hours Worked” column. Press on “Submit” to save your hours for later changes. When you are done and finalize your total hours before cut-off date (Wednesday 12pm of the second week of each PPE), sign your hours and submit. Signing is checking the box on the bottom next to “Checking this box becomes your electronic signature acknowledging your submitted time as accurate and ready for supervisor approval.”

16 Bottom of your time record
*Signing your timesheet and selecting “ok” here takes you to the main menu and you are DONE!

17 Confirmation your info is saved
. For Part Time employees, make sure this total matches your Time and Effort paper timesheet. This is the total of your worked hours. Make sure it’s no more than 80hrs for Full Time employees.

18 Approvals of time sheets
Web Advisor Web Time Entry (On-line Timesheet) SOP (This section is for the Primary Timekeeper and the Administrator). *Timekeeper will go to Time Approval (for supervisors) and check boxes under Review Entry column for all employees under their section. *Submit to pull time records. After reviewing/correcting, press "submit" to go to the next person's time records. After reviewing all, you will see hours in the employees Total Hours column.

19 Approvals of time sheets
Administrator/Approver will be the only one to approve time records. This screen will have all the Review Entry column check marked. Administrator can check approve here but remove the review check marks or detail in "Review Entry" and approve on the employee time records.

20 Questions? Liz Guruwaen Payroll Office

21 Thank you for your time.

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