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Cell Definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Definitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Definitions

2 Cell Membrane Found in all cells
Controls or regulates what goes in and out of the cell. Outermost living layer of the cell. The “Gate Keeper”

3 Cell Membrane Picture

4 Cell Wall Found in plants and some bacteria.
Outermost non-living layer of the cell. Rigid layer.

5 Cell Wall Picture

6 Nucleus Found in eukaryotes Control & information center of the cell.
“The Brain”

7 Nucleus Picture

8 Cytoplasm Found in all cells
Jelly-like substance found inside the cell membrane. Allows cell parts to move more freely.

9 Ribosome Found in all cells
Makes all the proteins produced by the cell.

10 Ribosome Picture

11 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Found in eukaryotes. Transports materials throughout the cell. “Highway”

12 Endoplasmic Reticulum Picture

13 2 kinds of E.R. Smooth E.R.- Does not have ribosomes.
Rough E.R.-Has ribosomes studded on it and produces proteins.

14 Mitochondria Converts glucose (sugar) into usable energy. The site of cellular respiration. “Power House”

15 Mitochondria

16 Chloroplast Found in plant cells & some bacteria.
Puts CO2 and H2O together (uses energy from the sun) to make glucose. *Photosynthesis*

17 Chloroplast Picture

18 Chromosomes (DNA) DNA is found in all cells
Blueprint or master plan of the cell. Structures in the nucleus that contain the genetic information (DNA).

19 Chromosome picture

20 Golgi Complex Produce and release products and are especially common in tissues which secrete products. ( Glands ) “Post Office”

21 Golgi Complex picture

22 Lysosome Digestive sac. Like the stomach of the cell. “Little Stomach”

23 Lysosome Picture

24 Vacuole Storage sacs ( help in digestion, waste and food storage ). Help to transport materials throughout the cell. “the closet”

25 Vacuoles Picture

26 Vacuole Note: Plant cells have an extra large water vacuole.

27 If you need more space, continue your notes onto the bottom of p
If you need more space, continue your notes onto the bottom of p. 17 and 18.

28 Nucleolus Small body within the nucleus that makes ribosomal rna.

29 Nucleolus picture

30 Centrioles Cylinder shaped structures which help separate chromosomes during cell division.

31 Centriole Picture

32 Microtubules Hollow tube-like proteins
Used to build structure(s) inside the cell.

33 Nucleoplasm Jelly-like substance found inside the Nucleus.




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