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Men in ‘Othello’ Attitudes to love Brabantio Roderigo Othello Cassio

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1 Men in ‘Othello’ Attitudes to love Brabantio Roderigo Othello Cassio

2 Your task Starting points: You need to:
Your aim is to make a summary revision poster for your character, exploring their attitude towards love as represented in the play. You need to: Identify and explore key quotations (AO2) How does Shakespeare’s use of language create an impact on the audience? Consider how the attitudes of your character fit in to your knowledge of the patriarchal context of the play (AO3) Consider how different audiences across time may respond, especially a Shakespearean audience member perhaps compared with a modern feminist Where possible, link your character to the impact of the tragic genre KEY WORDS: Romantic Courtly love Patriarchal society’s expectations Unrequited love Dutiful love Broken-hearted Obsessive Jealous Misogynistic Duped/manipulated Fickle Paternal Unusual/atypical Cuckold/reputation/shame Starting points: Iago: 1:3, 2:1, 3:3 5:2 (Trisha, Shannon, Lily D) Roderigo: Act 1 (Karishma, Houston, Rosie J) Cassio: 2:1, 3:4, 4:1 (Freya, Catherine) Brabantio: Act 1, 5:2:203-8 (Rosie C, Gabby, Lilly S) Othello: 1:3, 2:1, 3:3, 5:2 (Dasha, Amy J, Amy D, Liv)






8 Time to share Brabantio Cassio Roderigo Othello Iago
Come and stick your character poster up on the whiteboard. Everyone is now invited to come and view the posters. In your exercise book, jot down a maximum of 5 key words to sum up each character’s attitude towards love. (Don’t worry, I will scan these in and post on the blog so you can pick up more detailed notes later) Time to share Brabantio Cassio In a nutshell, what do you think Shakespeare is trying to say overall about male attitudes to love? Roderigo Othello Iago

9 Critical thinking time – what is Shakespeare trying to suggest about male attitudes to love?
Patriarchal expectations dominate or dictate their experiences and attitudes: a woman’s love should be dutiful and she should ultimately submit to the will of men. Whilst some men challenge patriarchal attitudes in their approach, they are not rewarded with fulfilment in love, suggesting… For characters like Cassio, women and love are merely a source of entertainment but nothing to be taken seriously Men judge and punish women for any behaviour in relationships which deviates from the patriarchal norms of the time. The tragic ending is a caution, implying that if a man surrenders his heart then this can ultimately end in disaster All the male characters in ‘Othello’ are ultimately misogynistic in their treatment of women. Women are merely sexual objects. The male characters in ‘Othello’ are primarily soldiers, not lovers, and this influences their attitudes towards women and relationships A man falling in love is vulnerable to manipulation, therefore a man in love is weak. Is it essential that men seize control of their wives and marriages. Cuckolding is the ultimate shame that can be brought upon a man and he should beware of the fickle nature of women.

10 Diamond 9 Take it in turns to put down your cards.
Give out the cards as equally as you can. Each person is in charge of their own cards and is the only one who can move them. You need to negotiate the position of your cards in the ‘diamond 9’ hierarchy. There is no right or wrong answer – the main aim is to promote discussion and critical thinking. Most agree Take it in turns to put down your cards. Explain why it is of high or low importance. Try to link to evidence.

11 Critical thinking time – what is Shakespeare trying to suggest about male attitudes to love?
Patriarchal expectations dominate or dictate their experiences and attitudes: a woman’s love should be dutiful and she should ultimately submit to the will of men. Whilst some men challenge patriarchal attitudes in their approach, they are not rewarded with fulfilment in love, suggesting… For characters like Cassio, women and love are merely a source of entertainment but nothing to be taken seriously Men judge and punish women for any behaviour in relationships which deviates from the patriarchal norms of the time. The tragic ending is a caution, implying that if a man surrenders his heart then this can ultimately end in disaster All the male characters in ‘Othello’ are ultimately misogynistic in their treatment of women. Women are merely sexual objects. The male characters in ‘Othello’ are primarily soldiers, not lovers, and this influences their attitudes towards women and relationships A man falling in love is vulnerable to manipulation, therefore a man in love is weak. Is it essential that men seize control of their wives and marriages. Cuckolding is the ultimate shame that can be brought upon a man and he should beware of the fickle nature of women.

12 Writing it up YOUR TASK In your intro, try to…
Write an introduction to an essay in response to this question: “Examine the view that “In ‘Othello’ male attitudes towards love and women are cynical and contemptuous.” In your intro, try to… Make your main argument clear Acknowledge/embed a reference to the counter argument Briefly link ideas to main characters Incorporate context reference Ensure points link to Shakespeare – his intentions

13 Writing it up YOUR TASK Write an introduction to an essay in response to this question: “Examine the view that “In ‘Othello’ male attitudes towards love and women are cynical and contemptuous.” In ‘Othello’, the patriarchal context of the play frequently influences the male characters’ attitudes and behaviours, meaning that at times they appear ‘contemptuous’ towards women. Whilst Shakespeare at times represents more atypical and generous attitudes towards women through characters like Cassio and Othello, in both cases this is ultimately overturned. In fact, this is arguably crucial to the tragedy since typical cynicism towards Venetian women and their faithfulness to their husbands is referenced by Iago as orchestrator of the tragedy in order to plant the seeds of jealousy and suspicion and bring about Othello’s tragic downfall. Perhaps Shakespeare uses the tragic genre to expose how unjust and problematic typical patriarchal attitudes were – after all, the question of Desdemona’s infidelity is ultimately a falsehood and Iago and Othello’s misogynistic treatment of their wives ultimately ends in disaster. Make your main argument clear Acknowledge/embed a reference to the counter argument Briefly link ideas to main characters Incorporate context reference Ensure points link to Shakespeare – his intentions

14 TOP 2 TAKEAWAYS from today’s lesson
Tell your partner. What are the main learning points you’ve picked up today?

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