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Wisdom From Above. Wisdom From Above Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18 Worldly wisdom shown by: Sinning and blaming God (1:13-15) Dishonoring the poor.

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2 Wisdom From Above

3 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18 Worldly wisdom shown by:
Sinning and blaming God (1:13-15) Dishonoring the poor (2:1-7) Hypocritical speech (3:9-10) Fighting with each other (4:1-2, 11) Arrogantly counting on tomorrow (4:13-16) Worldly wisdom says: “Put self first”

4 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18 Heavenly wisdom shown by:
Being quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger (1:19) Serving the less fortunate (1:27) Self-control, humility, patience, and love Prayer, forgiveness, restoration (4:7-20)

5 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18
Wisdom from below produces jealousy and selfish ambition Earthly, not heavenly (I John 2:15-17; Philip. 3:18-21) Unspiritual/sensual, not reasonable (I Cor. 2:14; Rom. 12:1-2) Demonic/devilish, not godly

6 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18
Wisdom from below produces jealousy and selfish ambition It leads to disorder and every vile practice How we treat one another (James 4:1-3) Sinful heart, sinful actions (Mark 7:21-22) Loving heart, good actions (Gal. 5:14)

7 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18 We must seek the wisdom from above
Pure – free from error and contamination, always yields good results (Psa. 119:9) Worldly wisdom has a flawed foundation of selfishness Peaceable – yields forgiveness, cooperation, and unity (Rom. 12:14-21) Worldly wisdom: “My way or the highway”

8 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18 Wisdom from above
Gentle – calm persuasion, not compulsion and rudeness (Titus 3:1-2) Worldly wisdom: “If someone doesn’t listen, get loud” Open to reason – listens, considerate rather than stubborn, produces learning and growth Worldly wisdom: “Never admit you’re wrong”

9 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18 Wisdom from above
Full of mercy and good fruits – mercy delays punishment to provide opportunity for resolution Worldly wisdom: “Get even” Impartial – produces consistency in interactions Worldly wisdom: “Treat people better when you want something from them”

10 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18 Wisdom from above
Sincere/without hypocrisy – produces a real desire to teach and do right consistently Worldly wisdom: “Do what feels right in each situation” A harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace (3:18)

11 Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18
“Who is wise and understanding among you?” Where does your wisdom come from? One leads to conflict here and eternal punishment One leads to a blessed life here and eternal joy


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