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City Council August 28, 2017 Item 11

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1 City Council August 28, 2017 Item 11
Authorize a Contract with Staples Energy for Commercial Energy and Water Direct Installation Program Services City Council August 28, 2017 Item 11

2 Recommendation CEQA Exemption:
Section (Class 1: Existing Facilities) Authorize a Contract with Staples Energy: For the installation of energy and water conservation devices, equipment and services for the Pasadena Water and Power (“PWP”) Water and Energy Direct Install Program (“WeDIP”) Not to exceed $3,685,285 over two-years Option to extend 1 year, not to exceed $1,314,715 Total not to exceed $5,000,000 over 3 years

3 Background PWP Launched WeDIP in 2013
Commercial customers with less than 30kW rating Free installation of water and energy saving measures Limited to $7,500 per customer account Typical customers include restaurants, convenience stores, hair salons, small retail and business services Completed 1,000+ projects for over 600 customers Annual water and energy savings exceed 2.5 million gallons per year 1 million kWh per year

4 WeDIP History Annual Funding in $000 Fiscal Year 2014 2015 2016 2017
PBC Funding 743 402 552 700 Water Funding 54 15 152 150 Total Funding 797 417 704 850 Energy Savings (kWh) 2,299,000 1,015,000 1,027,000 1,300,000 Water Savings (gal.) 2,606,808 662,813 4,806,000 4,500,000

5 WeDIP Expansion PWP awarded Grant
$1.2 million from the California Department of Water Resources (“DWR”) for FY18-FY19 Enables PWP to serve an additional 125 customers per year over the 24-month grant period Customers with up to 50kW rating 85% located in the Disadvantaged Community (“DAC”) census tract area Additional efficiency measures targeted in the grant Continued limit of $7,500 per qualifying account Expanded program expected annual savings of 7.7 million gallons of water, 4.1 million kWh in energy and 2,359 MMBtu of natural gas

6 DAC Map

7 Recommended Contract Term
Contract: $3, over 2 years One-year extension at additional $1,314,715 Estimated $1.2 million reimbursement from DWR Grant Estimated $225,000 reimbursement from SoCal Gas PWP’s net cost is estimated at $2,214,715 over initial two year term and additional $1,314,715 if extension is granted Funding through combination of DWR Grant, SoCal Gas, PWP’s Public Benefits Charge (“PBC”) and the Water Conservation Fund budget

8 Funding for Proposed Contract1
Efficiency Type Funding Source Costs Year 1 & 2 Cost Year 3 Extension Annual Savings2 Lifetime Lifetime Cost per Unit Saved Energy (E) PBC Fund (PWP) 1,914,715 1,164,715 4,172,637 kWh 51,839,013 kWh $.06 Water (W) Water Fund (PWP) 300,000 150,000 7,770,653 gallons 85,477,185 gallons $.005 PWP Net Cost $2,214,715 $1,314,715 Natural Gas (NG) SoCal Gas* 225,0003 E,W,NG DWR Grant* 1,245,5703 Total Cost $3,685,285 1 Excludes PWP direct expenditures for program marketing and implementation. 2 Cumulative annual and lifetime savings over a three year Program if the optional one-year extension is approved. 3 Grant and SoCal Gas funds cover a 24-month period.

9 Recommended Vendor Request For Proposals Staples Energy 4 Responses
Experienced with commercial direct install programs Comprehensive and detailed statement of work Focused on a high level of customer service Cost competitive with other proposals 9

10 Environmental Exempt from CEQA
CEQA Guidelines Section (Class 1: Existing Facilities) Proposed contract provides for improvements, but no expansion of use

11 Staples Energy Contract Total
Fiscal Impact Cost of action up to $5,000,000 over a three-year period, FY18-FY20 Funding Source Account FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 * Total SoCalGas 112,500 225,000 PBC Fund 750,000 1,164,715 3,079,430 Water Fund 150,000 450,000 CDWR Grant Funding 622,785 1,245,570 Staples Energy Contract Total $3,685,285 $1,314,715 $5,000,000 Net Cost to PWP $2,214,715 $3,529,430 *Optional one-year program extension

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