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Professional Development Day

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1 Professional Development Day
2015 Teacher Assistant Professional Development Day Session Title Presenters October 26th, 2015

2 Lake County Schools Vision Statement We Believe: Mission Statement
A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace.  Mission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. We Believe: Education is the foundation for everyone’s future. Education is a lifelong process. All students can learn. Students should be civic-minded and embrace future roles in the community. Parents/guardians, community, and schools are partners in a student’s education. Providing a safe, resource-filled learning environment is essential. Students will graduate prepared for work and postsecondary education.

3 Please make sure to highlight the section or components that you will be featuring in your presentation.


5 TA Professional Development Day
Learning Goal: Teacher assistants will learn how to effectively use scales provided by their teachers. They will understand how the scale is used to scaffold information so that it is presented in a systematic approach to ensure student learning. Vocabulary: Scale, Webb's Depth of Knowledge (DOK), Scaffold , Rubric Welcome/Overview minutes Lesson Preparation 10 minutes Mock Lesson with facilitators modeling best instructional practices minutes Question/Answer minutes Agenda Standards: Domain 1: E:1, Providing Rigorous Learning Goals and Performance Scales (Rubrics) Domain 2: E:42, Effective Scaffolding of Information with Lessons Domain 4: E59, Adhering to District and School Rule Procedures October 26, 2015 Objective: Utilize the scale during instruction as an interactive tool to systematically present information leading to the learning goal and to help students self monitor their learning. Summarizing Activity Explain ways para-professionals can support their teacher. Essential Question: How do I effectively use a scale and a rubric during instruction?

6 Agenda Welcome/Overview 10-15 minutes Lesson Preparation 10 minutes
Mock Lesson with facilitators modeling best instructional practices minutes Question/Answer minutes

7 Math Student Academic Scale

8 Learning Goal and Scale: Teacher assistants will be able to effectively use scales provided by their teachers. Score 4.0 I can analyze the student’s scores based on data from scale. 3.0 I can use a scale and rubric as an interactive tool to effectively to scaffold lessons. 2.0 I can partially use a scale and rubric. 1.0 I can identify the learning goal in the scale and rubric.

9 Please complete our course evaluation. Thank you for joining us today!

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