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Public Health Poster Project Rubric Poster is sized correctly

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Presentation on theme: "Public Health Poster Project Rubric Poster is sized correctly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Health Poster Project Rubric 4 3 2 1 Poster is sized correctly
Name(s): _____________________________________________________ Period: ________________________ Date: ________________________ Public Health Poster Project Rubric The author(s) name(s), period, and project date must be on the front of the poster! 4 3 2 1 Poster is sized correctly Yes (N/A) Needed resizing (N/A) Layout is organized Very Yes Not very Not organized Clever & engaging/ very original Clever and engaging No headline or title Engaging headline Simple title Researched text does not meet minimum Little effort to research or include text Minimum 3 paragraphs researched text (14 pt. font) Researched text exceeds minimum Researched text meets minimum Text is scientifically accurate and includes citations Off topic/copied/ no or little text Very accurate Mostly accurate Inaccurate Appropriate artwork/illustration/photos Author-created and supports topic Artwork included but off-topic No artwork included Supports topic Data/statistics: Includes 1 chart/graph created in Excel Includes chart/graphic, but not original Exceeds the minimum Meets the minimum No chart/graph included Text & illustrations include appropriate citations Information well-documented Some information documented No citations Includes 1 citation Grammar/spelling/punctuation No errors <3 errors >3 & <5 errors >5 errors Extra Credit/Stretch: Author(s) include QR code link to additional information Author-created and supports topic Public link that supports topic (N/A) (N/A) TOTALS:

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