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Starting on the WRITE Track

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Presentation on theme: "Starting on the WRITE Track"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting on the WRITE Track
Starting on the WRITE Track! Foundations of Writing in the K-2 Classroom Claire Baker Kristen Dixon Kindergarten Teachers Samuel Beck Elementary

2 Make Sure You Get Credit!
To Get Credit for each session you must do 2 things! Sign-up for the course through Eduphoria. Sign-in on the Sign-in sheet. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

3 Sign-in NOW! In the Sched App, click on the session you are in right now. Click the Eduphoria Link at the bottom of the page (computer or mobile) Once in Eduphoria, you may need to login, but it will take you straight to the course. Click the Register

4 Setting Up A Writer’s Workshop
Components: -Modeling/ Minilesson -Independent Writing (work period) -Conferring/ Writing Conference -Feedback Cycle -Sharing Writing * Handwriting

5 Thinking About Writing Differently
What do you feel are the most important skills needed for a primary writer to be successful? What do you think makes the difference between a good writer and a great writer? What do great writers do differently? What are the biggest challenges facing teachers in primary classrooms when it comes to teaching writing?

6 Expectations for Writer’s Workshop
The most important expectation for Writer’s Workshop is that students are actively engaged in brainstorming, drafting, or revising during the entire work period! What expectations do you have for students during your workshop time? Do you have any expectations that you feel may be unnecessary? Are there any new expectations that you hope to implement this year to help your students become successful writers?

7 Beginning of the Year Writing
What types of writers might you see in your classroom at the beginning of the year?

8 Resources for Writers

9 The Importance of Modeling

10 What Are Students Writing About?

11 The Work Period

12 Conferring and Writing Conference

13 Goal Setting and Motivation

14 Goal Setting

15 From Beginning to End

16 Strategies for Struggling Writers

17 What About My Writing Superstars?

18 Opportunities for Writing Across the Curriculum
With NISD journal expectations, students are expected to write critically in all curriculum areas. What opportunities do you offer for your students to write daily in each subject area?

19 What Does Writing Look Like in Math?

20 Let’s Talk About Handwriting

21 Feedback and Questioning

22 Contact Info: Claire Kristen

23 We Want Your Feedback Please take a few minutes to fill out the feedback form. It is just a few clicks! In the Sched App, click on the session you are in. Click the Feedback button. This will take you to a Google Form. Please complete the form.

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