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Status report of Pt Mz measurement

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1 Status report of Pt Mz measurement
Martin von der Mey UCLA

2 Cuts(tight central electron)
Tight electron: ET > 20 GeV PT > 10 GeV Iso < 0.1 Ehad/Em < Em E/p < 2.0 Lshr < 0.2 QDz ,1.5cm |Dz| < 3.0cm x2Strip < 10 |z0| < 60.0 cm # Stereo SL > 2 with 6 hits # Axial SL > 2 with 6 hits fidEle 1 (fiducial in CEM)

3 Cuts(loose central electron)
Loose cuts: ET > 20 GeV Had/Em < Em Iso < 0.1 pT > 10 GeV |z0| < 60.0 cm # Stereo SL > 2 with 6 hits # Axial SL > 2 with 6 hits fidEle 1 (fiducial in CEM)

4 Selection ETF good run list tight electron + central loose electron
tight electron + plug loose electron Lumi L = pb-1

5 Angle between electrons

6 Cos(q*) =

7 MZ h

8 MZ momentum

9 Z Mass

10 Z transverse momentum

11 Results Selected data events: total: 13609 +- 117 c-c : 5172 +- 72
c-p : Cross section: total: pb c-c : pb ( pb) c-p : pb ( pb)

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