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Environmental Reporting reusing INSPIRE

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1 Environmental Reporting reusing INSPIRE
Christian Ansorge 28th March 2017, Ghent Environmental Reporting reusing INSPIRE Linked Approach & CDDA 2018 EU Registry

2 Reportnet – EEA view Deliveries per day

3 Data reporting – Reporters view
Link to presentation by J. Melles

4 INSPIRE Directive Reporting obligations Legally mandated organisation

5 INSPIRE and Reporting Reporting concept – basic assumptions: Future
MS shall provide data in the scope of INSPIRE (harmonized, interoperable, via network services) by 2020 latest. Data provided under INSPIRE shall be reused and MS aim to avoid multiple provision of data. For better support of environmental policies more direct, frequent and timely access to the environmental data is needed eReporting concept should be a pragmatic, generic and re-usable design Minimun demands on provider as well as on consumer side Future

6 INSPIRE and Reporting Strategy paper:
„The future of eReporting and the link to INSPIRE“ Data Typology as one main element Future Current reporting obligations Type 1 Geospatial reference data Type 2 Environmental data Type 3 Textual or contextual data and information

7 INSPIRE and Reporting Data typology in practice (more on that in the ”CDDA follow-up”)

8 INSPIRE and Reporting EU Registry data model

9 Reporting concept to be developed:
INSPIRE and Reporting Reporting concept to be developed: Need for a systematic approach towards eReporting More coherent and streamlined Reduce fragmentation of approaches and technical solutions Present

10 INSPIRE and Reporting 3 possible Reporting & Extension approaches
Integration Multiple INSPIRE Themes (Type 1) and environmental data (Type 2) in one ”super schema” E.g. Air Quality eReporting Extension Singular INSPIRE Theme (Type 1) is extended by environmental data (Type 2) E.g. EU Registry  comes later Linking (”Linked Approach”) Environmental data (Type 2) is pointing towards multiple INSPIRE Themes but provided seperately E.g. CDDA 2018 comes later

11 Questions so far .. more is coming!
INSPIRE and Reporting Questions so far .. more is coming! *WFS harvesting will come later

12 Linked Approach and CDDA 2018
INSPIRE and eReporting Linked Approach and CDDA 2018

13 Linked Approach and CDDA 2018
Common Database on Designated Areas Nationally designated protected areas (e.g. nature reserve, national parks, etc.) EIONET core data flow Not part of the environmental legislation Rather simple data model

14 Two ways of re-using INSPIRE models (general application)
LINKED APPROACH Two ways of re-using INSPIRE models (general application) Alternative A via (INSPIRE compliant) file INSPIRE model Geometry and core elements GML file Tabular data (without elements included in the INSPIRE data models) common identifier Upload as package Reportnet CDR Current reporting approach: INSPIRE needs to be implemented by the MS in parallel INSPIRE model Geometry and core elements Web feature service link Tabular data (without elements included in the INSPIRE data models) common identifier Alternative B via INSPIRE download service (WFS) Step 1 - Upload Step 2 – Harvest gml file from INSPIRE web service

15 Current reporting approach in CDDA
Geometry (Shapefiles) Tabular data (XML/MS Access files) Reportnet CDR common identifier Upload as package CDDA 2018 approach re-using INSPIRE Protected Sites Current reporting approach: INSPIRE needs to be implemented by the MS in parallel INSPIRE model Protected Sites (GML file) Geometry and core elements Tabular data (XML/XLS files) Elements NOT included in the INSPIRE data models Reportnet CDR common identifier CDDA Designated Area Various IDs Designated area type Official area (ha) Major ecosystem type Marine percentage Metadata fields Upload as package CDDA match Geometry of site Site name Designation date Designation type IUCN category

16 Linked Approach and CDDA 2018
Type 1 Type 2 Dataset level Protected Site 1 Designation A Object level Protected Site 2 Designation B Designation C

17 Linked Approach and CDDA 2018
Type 1 data Type 2 data Link – Dataset level (file or WFS) Link – Record level (InspireID)

18 Linked Approach and CDDA 2018
CDDA ’18 roadmap April Webinar with EIONET NRCs (INSPIRE PS experts are welcome as well) June 2017 – Consultation on the draft reporting guidelines for CDDA & NRC biodiversity workshop at EEA July – September Testing phase with interested countries October Final reporting guidelines December Call for 2018 data collection March 2018 – Reporting deadline for CDDA reporting Additional webinars on request (e.g. on data transformation using HALE) WFS harvesting tests decoupled from the official reporting

19 Linked Approach and CDDA 2018
Web service harvesting for reporting EEA not ready to accept data from web-services for obligatory reporting right now EEA Reportnet undergoes major update project ( Reportnet 2.0, ) Reporting via web-services is legally/procedurally challenging Within CDDA ‘18 we will ask countries to provides us with WFS nodes (in parallel) if available for testing 2018 EEA will analyze the web-service reporting together with EIONET Technical and legal challenges needs to be addressed Business case has to be analyzed & implementation plan developed INSPIRE requirements as input to Reportnet 2.0 project EEA to plan activities to operationalize the conclusions in a development activity 2020 as target to be ready for web service based reporting for agreed data flows

20 Linked Approach & Next steps?
Commonalities in protected sites reporting data * presented on Nature reporting expert group, March 2017, by EEA (Mette Lund) Natura 2000 data flow CDDA data flow geometry site name designation date designation type

21 Linked Approach and CDDA 2018
Questions so far .. more is coming!

22 EU Registry on industrial emissions
Linked Approach and CDDA 2018 EU Registry on industrial emissions (thanks to Daniel Montalvo, EEA & Mark Gibbs, Aether)

23 The overarching picture

24 Objectives of the project
To simplify and clarify industrial emissions reporting, reducing the administrative burden where possible To provide a robust reporting structure for the EU Registry and for thematic information To generate a coherent and consistent EU dataset To comply with INSPIRE – ensuring countries’ investments are useful for their own compliance To provide sound guidance to member states To establish an integrated reporting channel for LCP and E-PRTR emissions data that references the EU Registry.

25 Project overview: The EU Registry on Industrial Sites is planned to centralise the collection of identification and administrative data for: E-PRTR facilities IED installations Large combustion plants (LCPs) Waste incineration plants (WI) In addition, the EU Registry will act as a reference dataset to which thematic data reporting would refer to. This webinar details the development of the EU Registry data model which facilitates the process highlighted with the red box. Industrial pollution data flows Member states EEA Public Administrative data EU Registry On Industrial Sites EU Registry (all industrial sites) Crosslinked databases Internal Systems E-PRTR facility and emissions data E-PRTR & LCP Data LCP installation part and emissions data Thematic data 2

26 Definitions and legislative basis:
The EU Registry on Industrial Sites data model needs to ensure: Consistency with the underlying legislation (2006 E-PRTR Regulation and 2010 IED) Compliance with INSPIRE guidance (D2.8.III.8 Data Specification on Production and Industrial Facilities – Technical Guidelines) Reporting requirements are simplified wherever possible MS views are taken into account properly The underlying legislation has differences in scope. These differences must be considered in order to provide a coherent data structure. Term INSPIRE E-PRTR IED Site ‘A Production Site represents the geographical location of the facility or a piece of land where the facility was, is, or is intended to be located.’ ‘Site means the geographical location of the facility.’ No definition Facility ‘A Facility represents something designed, built, installed to serve a specific function, comprehending the complete equipment or apparatus for a particular process or operation. A facility groups together one or more installations that are operated on the same site by the same natural or legal person’ ‘Facility’ means one or more installations on the same site that are operated by the same natural or legal person.’ Installation ‘A Production Installation represents something installed, such as machinery, an apparatus, a device, a system, or a piece of equipment placed in position or connected for use.’ ‘Installation means a stationary technical unit where one or more activities listed in Annex I [of the E-PRTR] are carried out, and any other directly associated activities which have a technical connection with the activities carried out on that site and which could have an effect on emissions and pollution’ ‘Installation means a stationary technical unit within which one or more activities listed in Annex I or in Part 1 of Annex VII [of the IED] are carried out, and any other directly associated activities on the same site which have a technical connection with the activities listed in those Annexes and which could have an effect on emissions and pollution’ Installation Part ‘A Production Installation Part represents a specific technical part of the installation, developing a representative functionality that should be registered under the legislation.’ Equivalent to: ‘combustion plant’ (Article 3 [25]) ‘waste incineration plant’ (Article 3 [40]) ‘waste co-incineration plant’ (Article 3 [41]) 3

27 Removing unnecessary feature types:
INSPIRE PF UML overview, with non-essential feature types highlighted for removal The feature types: Production plot Production building Building base were identified as non-essential to the EU Registry data model. These are highlighted by using yellow boxes in the diagram to the right. As these are ‘voidable’ according to INSPIRE guidance, these feature types can be removed in their entirety. <Voidable> <Voidable> <Voidable> <Voidable> <Voidable> <Voidable> 7

28 Adding extensions: INSPIRE PF UML overview with feature types simplified Production facility extension Production site extension Production installation extension Production installation part extension Report data Production site Production facility Production Installation Production Installation part Activity complex For the purposes of visualisation the diagram to the right is simplified to show only the feature types of the INSPIRE PF UML In addition, the INSPIRE ‘activity complex’ has been added, of which a Production Facility is a subtype To adapt the INSPIRE PF schema for the purposes of the EU Registry, multiple extensions can be added. This enables additional fields to be added to feature types. 8

29 Final streamlined view:
Once all extensions and INSPIRE feature types have been combined a final streamlined view is produced This represents the format and structure in which data will be required to be transmitted from member states to the EEA + countryID: CountryCodeValue + reportingYear: Year «feature Type» ReportData Streamlined view of the data model - From INSPIRE PF - Added by extension + inspireId: Identifier + Location: GM_Point + confidentiality: Confidentiality «voidable» + name: CharacterString [0..*] «feature Type» ProductionSite ProductionSite Constraints {nameisMandatoryAndOne} + competentAuthorityEPRTR: CompetentAuthority [0..1] + confidentiality: Confidentiality + dateofStartOfOperation: Date + EPRTRAnnexIActivity: EPRTRAnnexIActivityType + nameOfOwner: CharacterString + riverBasinDistrict: RiverBasinDistrictValue [0..1] + inspireId: Identifier + function: Function [1..*] + geometry: GM_Object «voidable» + ownerURL: anyURL [0..1] + remarks: CharacterString [0..*] + numberOfInstallations: Integer + status: StatusType [1..*] + address: AdressDetails + name: CharacterString [0..1] «feature Type» ProductionFacility Constraints {oneHostingSite} {geometryIsKindOfGM_Point} {onlyOneStatusAndNotVoid} {nameIsMandatoryAndOne} ProductionFacility + baselineReportArticle22: Boolean + batArticle15-4: Boolean + competentAuthorityPermits: CompetentAuthority [0..*] + competentAuthorityInspections: CompetentAuthority [0..*] + confidentiality: Confidentiality + dateOfStartOfOperation: Date + Inspections: Integer + otherRelevantChapters: RelevantChapterValue [0..*] + permits: PermitDetails + IEDAnnexIActivity: IEDAnnexIActivityType + inspireId: Identifier + pointGeometry: GM_Point [0..1] «voidable» + espirId: CharacterString [0..*] + etsId: CharacterString [0..*] + name: CharacterString [0..*] + status: StatusType [1..*] «feature Type» ProductionInstallation ProductionInstallation Constraints {onlyOneStatusAndNotVoid} {nameIsMandatoryAndOne} {pointGeometryIsMandatory} ProductionFacility ProductionInstallationPart «feature Type» ProductionInstallation + plantType: PlantTypeValue + confidentiality: Confidentiality + dateOfStartOfOperation: Date + derogations: DerogationValue [0..*] + nominalCapacity: CapacitySIWI [0..1] + specificConditions: Article51Value [0..*] + MWth: Integer [0..1] + inspireId: Identifier + pointGeometry: GM_Point [0..1] «voidable» + name: CharacterString [0..*] + status: StatusType [1..*] <Voidable> <Voidable> Constraints {onlyOneStatusAndNotVoid} {nameIsMandatoryAndOne} {pointGeometryIsMandatory} 12

30 Next steps for data model
Member state consultation was running till 24th March – preliminary view on the feedback Final approval will be communicated by DG ENV in early April 2017 Member states can then begin their IT development/integration

31 Next steps for the project
Member states will next be consulted on: QA/QC procedures for the EU Registry Guidance for the EU Registry The E-PRTR/LCP Data Model Please engage in testing of the EU Registry in October this year See project plan for more details

32 EU Registry on industrial emissions
Questions .. the end is close!

33 Thanks Christian Ansorge European Environment Agency

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