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Employee engagement as a key driver of organisational success

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Presentation on theme: "Employee engagement as a key driver of organisational success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee engagement as a key driver of organisational success
. Sarah White General Manager, People National Australia Bank

2 What we’ll cover… Purpose & Values Leadership Customer Obsession The Performance Link

3 Purpose & Values Leadership Customer Obsession The Performance Link

4 The purpose and value of ‘Purpose and Values’
“People buy why you do what you do, not what you do. It's the larger social relevance that matters” PURPOSE GOALS VALUES BEHAVIOURS External Brand Internal Culture 4 4


6 Purpose and Values in action

7 PURPOSE: To inspire a happy healthy home revolution VALUES: Keep Method weird What would MacGyver do? Innovate, don’t imitate Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate Care like crazy

8 PURPOSE: To provide the best customer service possible VALUES: Deliver WOW through service Embrace and drive change Create fun and a little weirdness Be adventurous, creative and open- minded Pursue growth and learning Build open and honest relationships, with communication Build a positive team and family spirit Do more with less Be passionate and determined Be humble

9 Purpose & Values Leadership Customer Obsession The Performance Link



12 Coaching is an enabler of performance
To realise the potential of our people, we strive to develop, engage and empower them to perform at their best. This needs to happen every day and become a part of how we work. Coaching is a way we can achieve this. Coaching sustains high performance and growth by unlocking people’s potential. Individuals utilising an effective coaching approach demonstrate 3 essential elements: Build Trust and Believe that people can develop Connect others to learn and grow Lift awareness, accountability and confidence BUILD TRUST AND BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE CAN DEVELOP 1. Believe in people’s potential and the process See-Do-Get: Do you help or hinder the people you coach 2. Trust and be trusted Why Trust? Trust = Character + Competence + Communication Emotional Trust Account: Is your account in black on red CONNECT WITH OTHERS TO HELP THEM LEARN AND GROW 3. Listen with presence Levels of Listening: Who are you really listening to? Active Listening Types of Questions 4. Question purposefully The Funnel Approach GROW Model and Questions Coaching in the moment with powerful questions 5. Feedback give and receive to learn Types of feedback Effective feedback SBI Model to structure useful feedback Skill/Will Matrix to choose the best approach to lift the person. LIFT AWARENESS, ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONFIDENCE 6. Lift awareness, accountability and confidence Stages of Learning and your goal when coaching

13 Purpose & Values Leadership Customer Obsession The Performance Link

14 Passion for Customers

15 Personal Emotional Connections
No expected call handling times Customer training for ALL employees

16 Everyone is a “receptionist”
Customer Care specialists Inspiring advocates

17 Purpose & Values Leadership Customer Obsession The Performance Link

18 Engaging employees makes commercial sense
36% 16% 11,527% 194% 12% 10% Total Customers Sales Revenue Mortgage Market Share Staff Engagement Customer Satisfaction PERSONAL BANKING

19 Questions?

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