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Review Questions 1. What was Gandhi’s philosophy of defying immoral laws? Non-cooperation ex. 2. Who also used his methods? MLK/Nelson Mandella 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Questions 1. What was Gandhi’s philosophy of defying immoral laws? Non-cooperation ex. 2. Who also used his methods? MLK/Nelson Mandella 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Questions 1. What was Gandhi’s philosophy of defying immoral laws? Non-cooperation ex. 2. Who also used his methods? MLK/Nelson Mandella 3. What type of goods did he encourage Indians to boycott?

2 #6 - AIM: How was independence achieved? (30.4)

3 The Salt March [Spring 1930] Salt Acts – must buy salt from government source & pay a tax Gandhi & followers - walk 240 miles made own salt! Results: 60,000 including Gandhi: arrested British brutally attack demonstrators


5 Move towards Victory [1935] Government of India Act - passed
Gives India local self-government & election reforms Does not stop tensions between Hindus & Muslims – WHY? National Congress – Hindu Muslim League - insisted all Muslims resign from National Congress and join the Muslim League

6 Independence Achieved?
After World War II: British exhausted – done with running colony Key Problem: New Independent India Who would rule Hindus or Muslims ? Muhammad Ali Jinnah-leader of Muslim league will not accept Hindu-dominated government

7 August Calcutta - 4 days of religious generated riots – thousands dead & injured – Gandhi reaction: goes on a hunger strike

8 Partition Ensure security - India is split
[July 16, 1947] India & Pakistan formed Muslims: NW & East areas of India – Pakistan and East Pakistan Hindus: India sub continent: Nehru is 1st Prime Minister

9 The British official responsible for the partition lines establishing Pakistan and India, Cyril Radcliffe, never visited the border areas to inform himself about rivers, forests, agriculture or industry. He simply took a pencil and drew. 30 years after his work was done he said he would never return to India because he was certain he would be shot by both Indians and Pakistanis.

10 Results Scramble to get to respective nations
Sikhs had to decide where to go Estimated 1 million die in riots and fighting

11 Millions travel

12 How did Gandhi view the partition plan ?
“What is there to celebrate…I see nothing but rivers of blood?” Travels to Delhi to plead for protection of Muslim refugees [January 30, 1948] Killed by Hindu extremist

13 India’s Great Soul – Civil Disobedience and Non-Violence Were His Strategies He was assassinated in January, 1948 only months after India was granted independence and partitioned in August, 1947

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