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System Administration Management

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1 System Administration Management
Two day training plan Yoel Kortick

2 Introduction The schedule here is very “general”
It usually changes according to the specific audience Depending on the background of the participants If they have a stress on library science or IT Depending on specific needs of the participants As a result of the above the order and time allotted in this suggested schedule is subject to change Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

3 Introduction The subjects are all covered in the presentation “Aleph 500 System Setup and Administration.ppt”. The above presentation also contains references to documents on the Documentation Center Even though everything is in the above presentation the actual lecture (discussion) will be done using a live server (preferably the customer server) Regarding backup – the backup process is important and will be covered. But … more important is knowing what is being backed up and where it is. Regarding the backup this point will be our main focus. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

4 Day 1 Morning Afternoon General Tree Structure and major directories
demo_libs and non_demo_libs Library naming conventions Aliases and variables Afternoon Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach User and login process behind the scenes aleph_startup and aleph_shutdown Node management (library management) path_convert

5 Day 2 Morning Afternoon Util C and the batch queue
Util W server management Methods to stop and start Aleph Apache and Aleph web server Afternoon Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach Basic Oracle Overview file_list and table_spaces Backup Client server architecture and basic GUI PC file configuration

6 Yoel Kortick

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