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Source: Computers & Security, vol.23, pp , 2004 Author: Heba K. Aslan

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1 A scalable and distributed multicast security protocol using a subgroup-key hierarchy
Source: Computers & Security, vol.23, pp , 2004 Author: Heba K. Aslan Speaker: Yu-Wei Su

2 Outline Introduction Group Key Proposed Protocol Conclusions

3 Introduction Unicast to Multicast Group communication under security
Scalable Goal

4 Group Key Join & Leave – backward secrecy & forward secrecy
Three classes of group key approaches

5 Group Key – Distributed approaches
Like Conference Key Each group member contributes to generate the group key Not scalable

6 Group Key – Centralized approaches
one central entity maintain the security of the group Not scalable LKH scheme C K2 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 U1 U2 U3 U4 Central entity Symmetric Key Group member

7 Centralized approaches – member join
C and U5 exchange K8 C generates K1-new, K3-new C broadcast EK1(K1-new) C broadcast EK3(K3-new) C broadcast EK8(K1-new, K3-new) K1-new K1 K2 K3 K3-new K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5

8 Centralized approaches – member leave
Delete K7 C Generates K1-new, K3-new C broadcast EK6(K1-new, K3-new) C broadcast Ek2(K1-new) K1-new K1 K2 K3-new K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 U1 U2 U3 U4

9 Group Key – Distributed Subgroup approaches
Group Controller (GC) & Subgroup Controller (SC) Iolus scalable K3 GC SC3 subgroup 1 K1 K2 SC1 SC2 subgroup 3 subgroup 2

10 Proposed Protocol – concept
KGC , KSC3 SC3 U1 U2 U3 U4 GC KGC , KSC1 KGC , KSC2 subgroup 1 SC2 U1 U2 U3 U4 SC1 U1 U2 U3 U4 subgroup 3 subgroup 2

11 Proposed Protocol – Subgroup Hierarchy
SCi KSCi(h,d) h: heigh d: number Broadcast key KSCi(0,1) KSCi(0,1) ... KSCi(1,1) KSCi(1,2) KSCi(1,d) KSCi(h,1) U1

12 Proposed Protocol – Operations
Subgroup controller join Message broadcast Member join Member leave

13 Subgroup controller join
GC 1. GC and SC4 Exchange KSC4 KSC4 SC4 2. GC Generates a KGC-new KGC 3. broadcast EKGC(KGC-new) and EKSC4(KGC-new) KGC KGC SC3 SC1 SC2

14 Message broadcast GC GC generates a session KGC Key Kmess
SCi KSCi(0,1) U1 U2 U3 U4 2. GC broadcast EKGC(Kmess) 3. Every SC DKGC(Kmess), and then broadcast EKSCi(0,1)(Kmess) subgroup i

15 Member join & leave in a subgroup
Just like LKH, page.7, page.8

16 Conclusions Achieving Multicast & Unicast Scalable

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