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S. Badgujar1, J. Kosek2, D. Grillot2, A. Forgeas2, B. Sarkar2, N

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1 Dynamic Simulation of Relief Line during Loss of Insulation Vacuum of the ITER Cryoline
S. Badgujar1, J. Kosek2, D. Grillot2, A. Forgeas2, B. Sarkar2, N. Shah1, K. Choukekar1, and H-S Chang2 1ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research, Near Indira Bridge, Bhat, Gandhinagar – , India 2ITER Organization, Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS , St. Paul Lez Durance Cedex, France


LN2 Plant (×2) K Cryoplants LHe 1 LHe 2 LHe 3 80 K GHe Loops (×2) 3 Plants Avg K 4/50 K SHe/GHe distribution 80 K GHe distribution Cryodistribution 7 boxes Magnets: PF&CC Magnets: CS Magnets: TF Magnets: ST Cryo Pumps Thermal Shields CryoLines ~5 km Introduce quickly the ITER cryogenic system EU-DA IO IN-DA 4K USERS IN-DA 80K USERS

4 layout OF cryogenic system
Explain the relevant area of ITER cryogenic components

Say a few words about ITER cryolines system from ACB to the clients, emphasis the complexity

6 Relief Line Network RL recovers helium discharged from process PSVs of the different cryogenic users and sent it to storage via heater and recovery system “A”: PSV assembly on process pipe of RL (DN200) RD Tokamak Building (B11) Area 53 Gas Storage Atm Heater Plant bridge 11-L3 “A” SW shaft NW shaft B51 B52 11-B1 Rec. compressor Gas Bags Overview of relief network and function of relief line PSV form HCB/CTCB/ CL –clients/nodes 11-B2 RD RD PSV form CTB/CVB/CL –clients/nodes Cryoplant Buildings B50s Annex building B52 Cold relief line (vacuum insulated) Warm relief lines

7 Torus and Cryostat Cryoline (TCC) with RL
RL towards Cryoplant area via plant bridge North West Shaft B1 Level B2M Level L3 Level L2 L1 B1 ACB CP X Y Z TCC South 342CHS RL CVBs Relief line B2 B2M TCC North 342CHN TCC c/s Vacuum Barrier Introduce briefly TCC – its function and show the layout Animation will show how the flow from RL in case of LIV CVB18

8 Event description POSSIBLE EVENTS
Site Power Failure or Loss of Cooling Power (LOCP) (RL sizing case) Loss of Vacuum in the Tokamak Cryostat (Cr LIV) (indirect) Loss of Vacuum in the Tokamak Vacuum Vessel (VV LIV) (indirect) Loss of Insulation Vacuum (LIV) for CL or Auxiliary Cold Boxes (ACBs) LIV of the CLs is one of the worst scenarios apart from LIV in ACBs. As per the loads specification of CL He LIV: break of internal piping Air LIV (without fire): leak in OVJ Air LIV (with fire): external fire and consequent leak in OVJ (loss of sealing) LIV of CL/ACB is category III (unlikely) event with the occurrence of 5×10-3/year (once in lifetime of system) Cases when RL will have flow in it

9 Purpose of the study Operating condition of RL depends on particular event (one PSV or multiple PSV opening during LIV) and the combinations of failures Several studies done for TCC under LIV during the detailed design of industry  RL was not part of that study In order to analyze integrated behaviour of the RL under these events dynamic study with EcosimPro® to confirm the definition of RL e.g. maximum pressure, minimum temperature as well as PSV “A” of the RL itself A Gas Bag Atm Heater Relief line Why this study was done TCC LIV was studied but not with RL, RL was designed before completion of LIV study of TCC or any other line CL e.g. TCC Heat flux in case of LIV (with or without fire)

10 Inputs for the simulations
Geometry of the line under LIV – TCC 342CHN (88+66=156 m) Heat transferred during the LIV (w/ or w/o fire) (ISO ) Thermal conductivity of He, Air Heat transfer coefficient during fire and unfired condition Equation W3, W5, W3a, W5a PSV/RD geometry (ISO 4126) Estimation of the flow rate to be evacuated Diameter of the PSV or RD needed to evacuate the flow rate Riser line dimensions All the necessary estimations done before simulating event in EcoSimpro mostly using 4126 and code, 3% of set pressure

11 Heat transferred in He LIV (kW) Heat transferred in Air LIV (kW)
Estimated Heat Flux LIV  heat will be exchanged between  OVJ and the thermal shield, shield and the 4 K process pipes Assuming all pipes are at their nominal temperatures the heat load to each pipes is estimated by considering this heat exchange In case of fire, it is assumed that the MLI will stay in place considering the thermal inertia of the CL (OVJ, thermal shield, process pipes, fixed point etc.) Process pipes Heat transferred in He LIV (kW) Heat transferred in Air LIV (kW) L3-B2 / B2M (entire length) Only B2M (vacuum barrier) Only B2M (VB, building seg.) w/ fire w/o fire CC/CD 287 162 652 170 407 C/CR 139 79 361 94 225 E 366 206 588 48 368 F 273 153 589 47 Heat flux summary which is output from the code calcualtion

12 Case 1 Configuration Case 1(a,b) To/from cryoplant Relief line
Gas Bag Atm Heater Burst at PS 21 bar L3,B2 B2M To/from cryoplant VB CC CD C CR E F Description case 1- valves on both sides of line – at ACB and at CVB ACB CP 342CHN CVB18 CP 6 PSVs on last CVB18 6 PSVs on ACB CP

13 Case 2 Configuration Case 2 (a,b,c,d) To/from cryoplant Relief line
Gas Bag Atm Heater Burst into building, burst pressure (>PS) by try and error L3,B2 B2M To/from cryoplant VB CC CD C CR E F Description case 2- SRV on CVB side and RD on ACB side ACB CP 342CHN CVB18 CP 6 PSVs on last CVB18 6 RDs on ACB CP

14 Case 3 Configuration Case 3 To/from cryoplant Relief line L3,B2 B2M
Gas Bag Atm Heater L3,B2 B2M VB To/from cryoplant CC CD C CR Description case 2- SRV on CVB side and RD on ACB side E F ACB CP 342CHN CVB18 CP 2 PSVs on last CVB18 6 RDs and 4 PSVs on ACB CP Most preferable for maintenance and project management

15 Description of the Case Configuration
EcoSimpro Model Cases 3 cases and 7 scenarios have been analysed Case Sr. No. Description of the Case Configuration LIV scenarios He LIV Air LIV entire length (156 m) only B2M (88 m) only B2M (88 m) w/ fire w/o fire 1 6 PSVs on CVB PSVs on ACB X [1a] X [1b] 2 6 PSVs on CVB RDs on ACB X [2a] X [2b] X [2c] X [2d] 3 2 PSV on CVB PSVs and 6 RDs on ACB X 3 cases based on valve arrangement on ACB/CVBs – see next slides for the 3 cases In all 6 inputs for LIVs are analysed Case no3 is optimized one where most of the components on ACBs which is what project has asked

16 EcoSimpro Configuration (Case 3)
Recovery System CVB18 RELIEF LINE Riser lines and 2 PSVs PSV A of RL 342CHN CL ACB CP Riser lines PSVs, 6 RDs on ACB CP B2M VB, building seg. Model showing physical layout converted in ecosimpro model TCC CL devided in two parts B2/B2M ACB CP and 4 PSV 6 RDs , CVB 18 and 2 PSV – sizes from the FDR design, kd factor (critical flow) etc, set pressure 21 for PSV and 25 for RD Relief line with its PSV, on bridge bare line and atm heater etc, gas bag  recovery system B2-NWS-L3

17 Summary of Simulation Result
Cases Max pressure in process pipes (first 25 sec) Max pressure in RL Minimum temp. of RL in B11 (PSV entry node at CVB/ACB) Minimum temp. of RL in B11 except entry nodes at CVB/ACB (bar) (K) CC/CD C/CR E/F 1a 28 23 8.2 10 / 50 10 1b >30 >10 10 / 10 2a 26 22 6.2 10 / NA 120 2b 25.5 20 5.6 125 2c 18 6.7 2d 27.5 21.5 100 3 26.5 7.6 Similar result for similar heat flux even for different configuration cases Summary of all the 6 simulations Max pressure in TCC line within the test pressure Max pressure in RL within the design pressure Minimum temperature of RL process pipes confirms the min design temperature of 10K Except Case 1b (whole line under Air LIV w/ fire) Max. pressure in TCC stays within the test pressure (30 bar) (PED compliant) with RD burst at 24.5 bar Max. pressure in RL stays within the design pressure (10 bar) Min. temperature in RL stays within design temperature of (10 K) Case 3 the most preferable for maintenance and project management is compliant

CC, CD in L3 C+CR in B1 C, CR in B1 M from PRVs – ACB + CVB side M to relief line at B1 C and CR overlapping (PSVs only in B1) CC and CD overlapping (PSVs only in L3)

19 Results for Case 3 FLOW THROUGH RDs (never closing) – ACB side
PRESSURE AT THE RDs (burst at 24.5 bar) M from RDs– ACB side Pressure at RD  one can inform that the conceptual RD set pressure was 28 bar and throught this siumaltion it was optimized to 25 in order to keep the pressure in TCC below test pressure C and CR overlapping (RDs only in L3) CC and CD overlapping (RDs only in L3) RD burst pressure obtained by try and error for compliance with code

20 Results for Case 3 MAX pressure in TCC process pipes
MAX pressure in TCC near PSVs Test pressure PSV set pressure P below test pressure of TCC pipes Results are compliant with PED criteria (less than test pressure)

21 Results for Case 3 Flow and pressure near PSV “A” of RL on bridge
MAX pressure in DN 65 RL in B1 Flow and pressure near PSV “A” of RL on bridge P below design pressure of RL Behaviour of PSV of RL  MAX Pressure <10 bar (design pressure of RL)

22 Results for Case 3 Pressure and flow along the RL 7.6 max at B1 level
3kg/s max at L3 level B1 port cell B1 gallery L3 gallery Plant bridge NW shaft

23 Summary Integrated simulation of LIV events in TCC (one of the ITER CL) and behaviour of the RL is studied It was necessary to verify the RL behaviour before finalizing the optimized location of PSVs/RDs Pressure in CL/RL to be within the defined test/design pressure Optimum option (from maintenance and project management point of view) with only two PSVs on CVB and four remaining PSVs, six RDs on ACB satisfies all the design requirements defined for both TCC and RL for the credible worst case This option is now being used for the manufacturing and installation of the respective interfaces, similar studies for remaining CLs planned


25 Acknowledgement Authors would like to thank the colleagues from ITER-India in Gandhinagar, India and ITER Organization in St. Paul Lez Durance - France as well as industrial partners namely Air Liquide Advanced Technologies, France and INOX India Limited as well as its consortium partner A S Scientific Products, UK for their contribution to ITER Cryolines project

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