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The Fall of the Soviet Union

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1 The Fall of the Soviet Union
Fall of Berlin Wall

2 Underlying Causes Years of Soviet military buildup at the expense of domestic development economic growth stalled/stagnant economy Failed attempts at reform war in Afghanistan general feeling of discontent, especially in the Baltic republics and Eastern Europe (i.e. Chernobyl)

3 Mikhail Gorbachev March 11, 1985
Inherited many problems; recognized need for change (the economy needed fundamental reforms) Introduced two-tiered policy of reform to meet the needs of the Russian state

4 Policy #1: Glasnost Freedom of speech and free elections
1989 elections - reformist politicians swept into power unwittingly unleashed emotions and political feelings that had been pent up for decades Pandora’s Box

5 Policy #2: Perestroika Economic reform and rebuilding (complete economic restructuring) did not have the immediate results Gorbachev had hoped for and had publicly predicted Unsuccessful – bureaucratic corruption People used free speech to criticize Gorbachev

6 Beginning of the End Began at Peripheries
Baltics & Eastern Europe Gorbachev decides not use military force to put down revolutions allowing revolutions to run their course spells disaster Ultimately erodes the power of the Soviet Union b/t 1989 and 1990.

7 August Coup August 1991 – “hard-line” Communists take over of government last-ditch effort to save USSR country went into an uproar; massive protests soldiers themselves rebelled – “can’t fire on our countrymen” Coup collapsed after 3 days

8 Results of August Coup Gorbachev unable to reestablish real control
negotiated the transition of power made inevitable by the will of the people. December 1, 1991 all non-Russian republics declared independence (population wanted democracy) political movements which had emerged since the implementation of glasnost resulted in immediate fall

9 Collapse of the Soviet Union
a new entity was formed “Commonwealth of Independent Republics" Russia and 15 independent former USSR countries complete political independence, linked to other Commonwealth countries by economic, and military ties the Soviet Union, with its centralized political and economic system, had ceased to exist December, 1991

10 How does America fit in? Russia built up a military arsenal surpassing that of the United States enormous military expenses, in combination with collectivized agriculture and inefficient manufacturing were a heavy burden on the economy Reagan Administration persuaded Saudi Arabia to increase oil production resulted in a three times drop of oil prices in 1985; oil was the main source of Soviet export revenues

11 President Ronald Reagan
recognized the change in the direction of Soviet leadership shifted to diplomacy to pursue substantial arms agreements four summit conferences between 1985 and 1988 believed that he could persuade the Soviets to allow for more democracy and free speech, this would lead to reform and the end of Communism

12 Response in the West victory for freedom
triumph of democracy over totalitarianism, superiority of capitalism over socialism Rejoicing - formidable enemy was brought to its knees Relief – end of Cold War which had hovered over the two superpowers

13 Results of the Fall Assignment
transformed the entire world political situation reformulation of political, economic and military alliances America sole military and world hegemonic power End of Cold War and MAD threat But…What happened to those satellite countries (buffer countries)?

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