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Locomotion and Body Condition Scores

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1 Locomotion and Body Condition Scores
Cornell Waste Management Institute Evaluation of a New Composted Bedded Pack Dairy Barn Facility in New York State Locomotion and Body Condition Scores Mary Schwarz and Jean Bonhotal LOCOMOTION SCORING: Lactating cows and heifers were observed and given a locomotion score based on a 4-point scale: 1 = Non-lame: Stands and walks with a flat back 2 = Slightly lame: Stands with an arched back, but walks with a flat back 3 = Moderately lame: Stands and walks with an arched back and takes short strides on one or more leg 4 = Severely lame: Stands and walks with an arched back and one or more limbs are physically lame or non-weight bearing. Locomotion Scoring of Lactating Animals on Two Dates One Year Apart BODY CONDITION SCORING (BCS): Lactating cows were observed and given a BCS based on a 5-point scale with 0.25 point increments: 1 – 1.75: Severely under conditioned, emaciated 2 – 2.5: Under conditioned, frame obvious 2.75 – 3.75: Good condition, frame and covering well balanced 4 – 4.75: Over conditioned, frame not as visible as covering 5: Severely over conditioned, obese Locomotion Score August 29, 2007 (97 heifers, 128 cows) August 21, 2008 (102 heifers, 184 cows) Non-Lame 59.5% 79.8% Slightly Lame 16.8% Moderately Lame 20.6% 2.7% Severely Lame 3.1% 0.7% LINEAR SCORE (LS): 213 lactating animals were in common between 2007 and Individual linear score was determined by Dairy One. A score of 4 or below for Cows and 3 or below for heifers is considered normal milk, while a greater score is considered abnormal. There were a greater percentage of animals with abnormal milk in 2008 than in 2007. The average BCS in 2007 was 2.9 and in 2008, it was 2.8. Body condition scores remained the same between 2007 and 2008. In 2007, the average locomotion score for heifers was 1.4 and for cows, it was 1.8. After one year on the bedded pack, the average locomotion score for heifers had decreased significantly to 1.0 and had decreased significantly to 1.3 for cows (p < .0001). THE USE OF THE COMPOSTED BEDDED PACK HELPED IMPROVE LOCOMOTION FOR EAGLE VIEW’S COWS BCS DID NOT CHANGE OVER THE ONE YEAR PERIOD

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