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Effective personal branding and networking to land the job

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1 Effective personal branding and networking to land the job
Dr. Mary Ann Pearson PRSAIE President and Assoc. Prof at California Baptist University

2 What is a Personal Brand?
What do people say about you? What are you values, work ethic and what do you bring to the table? What does personal branding mean in this age of social media?

3 A brand called You Tom Peters published on this topic in his 1997 Fast Company Article called “A Brand Called You”. The essence of Mr. Peters message is that you are in charge of your brand and that all of us can own some part of the market.

4 Think about the kind of relationship you have with colleagues or associates who really know you…
How did they get to know you? Was it by spending hours together chatting, collaborating and working on projects? Did you go through some challenging times together? Have you passed through various stages of life together, witnessing significant events? ALL OF THIS IS POSSIBLE THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA- THE RELATIONSHIPS ARE REAL.

5 Individuals have knowledge, expertise and talent…

6 Seven Steps… 1. RPIE 2. Internships 3. Work on personal branding 4. Get Published/Freelance 5. Consider a master’s degree or an accreditation program 6. Network 7. Apply, Interview and Land the Job

7 RPIE Research, Planning Implementation and Evaluation Learn this and the PRSA way networking –join a chapter as an Associate Member

8 Explore Government Jobs Non Profits Agency Entertainment Sports Information Integrated Marketing and Public Relations

9 Research Look for the field and type of work you want to go into… JOBS relations-specialists.htm - Jobs-Stats

10 #2 Internships

11 Internships PAY OFF! The Best Way to Network and prove yourself is to work as an intern.

12 Success Story #1 Vanessa at the Riverside Arts Council

13 Success Story #2 Christie Collins
Internship- Riverside Downtown Partnership Current Job: Marketing Director, Arlington Business Partnership

14 Personal Branding It is important to manage online reputation and establish a personal brand.

15 #4- Get Published/Freelance Sites
Elance Ifreelance Freelance

16 GET PUBLISHED-Blogs, Student Publications, Freelance Work

17 #5-Consider a Master’s Degree or Accreditation

18 #6- Network PRSA-IE Communicators Young Professionals

19 #7- Apply, Interview and Land the Job
Plan to consistently apply Do not be afraid of “No” Accept an entry level position to get into a desired area or firm

20 Resume Components Contact Information Objective Statement- geared toward the job you are applying for Professional Experience Education Volunteer Experience Awards and Achievements Professional References (3-4)

21 The Interview Process You will need: Resume Letters of Recommendation
Professional Business Attire Notepad and Pens Enthusiasm and Passion

22 Professional Business Attire

23 One extra pointer Find a mentor or two Questions?

24 Seven Steps 1. RPIE/PRSA Associate Membership 2. Internships 3. Work on personal branding 4. Get Published/Freelance 5. Consider a master’s degree or an accreditation program 6. Network 7. Apply, Interview and Land the Job

25 Thanks!

26 Contact: Dr. Mary Ann Pearson Facebook: Twitter: Linked In: d/4/48/28 Google +-MaryAnn Pearson

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