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Mukurtu CMS Review, Enriching DH Items

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1 Mukurtu CMS Review, Enriching DH Items
Digital Stewardship Curriculum

2 Review: Mukurtu CMS 101 Mukurtu is about providing ACCESS Communities
the WHO: grouping site contributors Cultural Protocols the HOW: how should content be shared? defining access at multiple levels for communities [linked] Categories the WHAT: subjects that make sense to your site users (10-15) -- keywords are in addition to these Who How What Most of you have made some decisions about communities and cultural protocols Categories will depend on your content - start with Mukurtu Project material and build off of that!

3 Mukurtu: Media Media library (admin view) Upload media assets
Holds your access copies Upload media assets Multiple file types for: documents, audio, video and images Media assets + embedded metadata Title, Protocol, and Author (ie--who uploaded it) Stay with the item throughout the site In Mukurtu you have a Media Library >> access copies (preservation copies we have discussed and will more on Thursday where you store them--big files) Admin view not accessible to others 2. Upload media items >> check which file types Mukurtu supports now -- upload file types together Each media items > THREE pieces of information (metadata) --Title, Protocol, and Author (ie--who uploaded it) Stay with the item throughout the site -- can be in many DH items, in related items, in collections, etc

4 Mukurtu: Digital Heritage Items
DH items can have more than 1 media asset DH items tell a whole story FIVE metadata tabs Mukurtu Essential & Mukurtu Core Provide sharing settings at DH item level Unique to Mukurtu: +Cultural Narratives & Traditional Knowledge +Related Items, Community Records ADD as MUCH as you can!

5 Mukurtu Mobile Content collection tool
Maintains your sites protocols, communities and categories Record on-the-go Images, audio, video (need YouTube account) Content associated with places Engage community members Add to your site in real time or later Edit once you are back to your site Collection tool -- synches with your site Allows for real time collection of content -- dynamic -- emphasises the NOW and places that content is placeless it happens somewhere Community members involved

6 Enriching DH Items: Collections, Related Items, Book Pages

7 Collections Easier access to high-interest DH items
Represent existing physical collections Display selected DH items together Add a featured image and additional description Include DH items with different cultural protocols (each of which still apply)

8 At the Alutiiq Museum in Alaska, they’re using Collections in two ways…

9 One to highlight their speakers.
In this case, each speaker bio is set up as a DH item (in contrast to the Musqueam site just shown)

10 And the other use at Alutiiq is to actually arrange materials into digital collections that mirror their physical collections! Next, you have the opportunity to create a collection yourself.

11 a descriptive title and summary,
This sample collection has: a descriptive title and summary, A featured image (which shows up when browsing the list of Collections, and a useful description. Collections can contain DH items from communities all across a site, but Cultural Protocols still apply to each item. If I had a collection of 10 DH items from different Comms/CPs, but was only a member of 5 of those CPs, I would only see those 5 items. The title/Summary/Image/Description are all public though.


13 The process of creating a Collection is probably the easiest thing you’ll do all day!
Click +Collection…

14 You must enter a name for your collection.
You should also enter a brief Summary, and a useful Description.

15 To add DH items, start typing the name of the item, and then choose it from the list that pops up.
Click add another item to… add another item. You can rearrange items by dragging them into the desired order with the little reticle to the left. You can either edit and add items to my existing training collection, or create a new one!

16 Related Items Identify connections between DH items
“If you’re interested in this photo, you may want to see this video as well” Connect DH items and dictionary entries

17 Relations 1. collection 2. related items 3. community records 4. book pages (multipage documents) we will go into these more in the next half of the work shop[next]



20 Book Pages Meaningfully display longer documents
Unique metadata on each page Easier browsing Create original content Eg: digital scrapbook MPDs grew out of a need we had when working on the PPWP. There is a large collection of yearbooks, some up to 100 pages. We needed to A) display each page in a meaningful way (100 jpegs on one page is no good) B) be able to have unique metadata for each page (if someone’s photo is on page 55, you should be able to access that directly)

21 multipage documents (but really any type of file can be added)—
-can move easily between pages [next]

22 and importantly unique metadata on every page…
Bridge to projects/worktime ---what have you done/planned using one of these features?

23 You can see on this yearbook page that the Transcription field has been used to capture the text on the page, rendering it searchable

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