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Corsicana ISD Encourages Donations in Support of Harvey Relief Efforts

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2 Corsicana ISD Encourages Donations in Support of Harvey Relief Efforts
#TCC Corsicana ISD Encourages Donations in Support of Harvey Relief Efforts

3 #TCC Corsicana ISD student organizations will have collection points at the Corsicana High School Volleyball and Football games on Friday, Sept. 1 Stations will be equipped to accept monetary donations from the fans, students and community members who wish to give a contribution to the American Red Cross for victims of Hurricane Harvey.

4 #TCC During Lunches at Corsicana Middle School, you have the opportunity to donate. Tell a coach or administrator and they will direct you where to place your donations. Before and after lunches, you may bring your donations to the front office and give to Ms. Lee.

5 #TCC – One More Way to Help
Order Forms in Front Office Money along with Order Form due no later than Tuesday, September 12 to the Front Office. All proceeds from the sale will go directly to the American Red Cross.

6 Study Like a Rock Star at CMS!
Building Champions Lesson Thursday, August 31, 2017

7 Study? Do your teachers or parents ever tell you to study but you have NO IDEA what they mean? Do you want to be more successful in the classroom, especially when you take test? The CMS Counselors are here to help!

8 9 Best Scientific Study Skills
Watch the following video.

9 #1 Best Study Practice Small, short study sessions are better than 1 LONG session Several 30 minute sessions are proven to be the most effective. Get a good night sleep before a test for better memory.

10 #2 Best Study Practice Have a study routine.
Try to study at the same time every day Doing this will program your brain to learn and absorb information better.

11 #3 Don’t JUST Re-Read Your Notes
Just re-reading your notes or review sheet will not help you review or learn the material you need to know. Flashcards are a proven way to boost your memory. Turn review sheets, vocabulary, math facts, etc. into flash cards.

12 #3 Don’t JUST Re-Read Your Notes
You can use index cards or cut out poster board into squares. Use different colored pens, colored pencils, or markers to make your flashcards Using different colors on flashcards may help you recall. “Hmm???? I remember reviewing that…..It was on the flashcard I wrote in hot pink marker…..Oh yeah!...The answer is Declaration of Independence!” Play a memory game, quiz yourself, or have a family member or friend quiz you.

13 #3 Don’t JUST Re-Read Your Notes
As you review/quiz yourself, separate the ones you get right from the ones you miss. Continue to review the ones you missed until you have it down. Review the cards waiting on the bus, on your ride to and from school, on your way to class to take a test.

14 #4 Set Goals Don’t try to study too much at one time.
If you are studying, study one thing at a time. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it enough to move on.

15 #5 Teach It! When reviewing for a test, try teaching it to one of your friends, a family member, or even a pet. Studies show that when you study and then have to explain it or teach it, you will learn it and ultimately know it better!

16 #6 Practice, Practice, Practice
Practice makes perfect Professional athletes are great because of the time and effort they put in each day practicing and training. If you want to succeed, Practice, Practice, Practice!

17 #7 Have a Designated Homework Spot
This spot should be free from distractions (TV, siblings playing, etc.) Have good lighting Keep needed supplies close by (index cards, notebook paper, pencils, markers, highlighters, scissors, glue, etc.)

18 #8 Lose the Playlist Unless you are listening to Mozart, Beethoven, or Bach, lose the playlist. Music can serve as a major memory blocker. Use your earbuds to block out unwanted noise but don’t pump your favorite tunes through them while studying!

19 # Put That Phone Away Let’s be honest, there is NO way you can concentrate if your phone is dinging, beeping, and vibrating with alerts, messages, and updates. Turn it off or leave it another room while you study. Your friends can wait. Your future is more important than that text lighting up your phone!

20 Put it to Use! Now that you know what “studying” looks like….do it!
Your teachers and counselors at CMS are full of more study ideas. We would all love to help you develop strong study skills so you can be a rock star at CMS and beyond!


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