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ICT in the classroom conference

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Presentation on theme: "ICT in the classroom conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT in the classroom conference
2011 Presented by RB Khan

2 LMS Today More that 70% of staff are not computer literate
Remaining 30% semi literate Little to no use of technology in the classroom As a recognised private school we are “far behind”

3 What's holding LMS back Technophobia Negative stereotyping
Lack of initiative Lack of infrastructure Knowledge of what is out there

4 No Boundaries

5 Eradicating technophobia
Overcoming the fear of technology Increased exposure to computers Realisation that technology is an enabler Software has become user friendly Increased automation / efficiency

6 How to achieve this? Self study modules Networking
Microsoft learning suite for schools, etc Networking Joining “schoolnet” , “Partners in learning network” Collaborative learning Social media educational groups Establishing professional learning networks (PLN’s) Getting involved in innovative teaching awards Sharing , recognising each others efforts and motivating everyone to achieve

7 Tools available / benefits
Smartboard Mimmio E-beam Digital scribe Textbook reader Whiteboard in a can Todays meet / twitter / tweetdeck Sim-less cellphones Skype

8 Education is rapidly becoming digitalised
Electronic textbooks are already here QR readers Electronic communication / / webpages Technology is the means through which the new generation learn If we choose to be afraid , we are going to be left behind

9 In Conclusion “Technology will not replace educators who use it, but will replace those who don’t”

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