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Authority Services, RDA Conversion – Two Tasks in One Project

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1 Authority Services, RDA Conversion – Two Tasks in One Project
Mark Braden, Library Systems Analyst /14/ Joan Chapa, Director of Marketing CSU Los Angeles MARCIVE, Inc.

2 Why do RDA conversion on legacy data?
Such projects typically performed as a part of a bigger project, such as backfile authorities processing, or migration to a new system Consistency works best for a unified catalog, especially with use of a discovery layer Doing a migration without data cleanup, performing authorities processing without RDA conversion can be compared to putting lipstick on a pig JOAN

3 Reasons driving Occidental and CSU Los Angeles
Long standing tradition of “authority control” to facilitate discovery Limited efforts at authority control over time at both universities Participation in “union” or shared catalogs MARK: At Occidental,: meager efforts (major changes, such as a Subject field that had major changes) At Los Angeles: small, sustained efforts over time, but like Occidental—most authority file unchanged since initial file load

4 Background work begins early for such a project
Ascertain that loaders are in place for export and re-import of data. Need bib control number in records for overlay Tag tables are modified for RDA fields or other new data (e.g. Tables of Contents) Decide what to do with that GMD! Evaluate profile options MARK: At Los Angeles (as in other libraries), many libraries consider the GMD an appealing way to display material type with the title/in the title. SO SCULA asked to retain the GMD at that point, even though the GMD is not part of the RDA scheme

5 CMC: Content, Media, Carrier
Determine if standard CMC (336, 337, 338) are what is desired. Built from fixed fields and other variable fields Alternatively, can request customized CMC fields built from holdings or other criteria JOAN: These are the biggest changes in RDA, mostly because they affect display as well as limits in searching. Many of the discovery layers use the formats in facets.

6 MARC Load Tables

7 Default bib export table

8 Commonly-used bib load table

9 Subject Authority Load Profile

10 Authority indexing rules table

11 We chose customized CMC creation
Our records had inadequate or outdated info about the material type of the work Supplied MARCIVE with item records containing item type data Not a perfect solution For most items, a very helpful technique to build meaningful 33X fields A combo solution: some records lacked 945 $ fields, so fixed field values were used for those to create CMC fields MARK: CSULA resembles many other libraries, where USMARC areas of bibliographic records did not necessarily have adequate or current data about the material type of the work. Since MARCIVE could not use USMARC fixed fields reliably, we supplied Item Type data from the Item Records attached to the bibliographic records. This was not perfect—e.g. some clusters had attached items representing print books and accompanying compact discs. But for most items this was a very helpful technique to build meaningful 33X fields. The load table used for the returned records had coding to take 945 fields and create item records, so it was important that MARCIVE dispense with the 945 data. The standard 903 fields containing the Bibliographic Record Number helped ensure overlay was successful.

12 A look inside Itype/Label 336 field 337 field 338 field 23 Microforms text microform microfiche 24 Films two-dimensional moving image projected * film reel 25 Videos video video cassette 26 CD-rom databases computer computer disc 27 CD-rom music performed music audio audio disc 29 Music scores notated music unmediated volume 31 Audiotapes performed music/sounds/spoken word audiocassette 32 Phonorecords 35 DVD videodisc 36 Ejournal online resource 38 Ebook 39 eResource 50 high dvd 51 high VHS videocassette 52 high music CD MARK: a sample from the table of i-types used to create CMC fields. For those bib records lacking 945 $t fields, MARCIVE used standard programming for CMC creation.

13 CMC for VHS Video

14 CMC for Microforms

15 CMC for DVD Video

16 What records should be excluded?
Volatile or brief records were left out Safari Books ebrary Other records associated with database subscriptions MARK: Because CSULA subscribes to services that are volatile (the Library at that time had subscriptions to databases like Safari Books (whose records are supplied to SCU system-wide from San Marcos), these categories were considered inappropriate for the work done by MARCIVE, particularly the tracking of headings for revisions/deletions by the LC and NACO.

17 Testing phase Stop making changes to bibs, but continue to catalog
Load both bibs & authorities into Millennium/Sierra Examine how profile decisions affected results Can’t review every record, but look for patterns Report questions/errors to vendor. Second test may be necessary

18 Indexing issues. III involved in creating a load table for authorities
Prep work Indexing issues. III involved in creating a load table for authorities Purchased an index for ARN (Authority Record numbers) Deleted old authority records Two central concerns: MARK: -load table used to re-load the records—Los Angeles had a few load tables, none were specifically designed for returning bibliographic records, so tests had to be made to verify that the results fit what was needed. -Purchased an index for ARN (Authority Record Numbers). Old file of records were deleted—there had been no major work to establish local authority records, so the entire file could be cleared out, and the incoming records loaded and indexed.

19 Ongoing maintenance: Authority records
Delete records Load new/changed records Update affected bib records Work with vendor reports to resolve issues MARK Loading monthly feed of authority records calls for procedures to delete records, along with load of changed records and new records. The reports from Marcive, along with use of the Headings Report function, serve to implement needed changes.

20 Ongoing maintenance: Sending new bib records
Requires thoughtful use of Create Lists Focus on records created since list shipment Exclude non-volatile records Use Export function in Data Exchange to build a file of records to FTP to MARCIVE Files sent by 2pm CST are returned next business day MARK

21 Other maintenance On a regular basis (as determined by the Library) should send ARN’s representing records no longer needed to MARCIVE to delete from history file Can produce a list by running Blind Headings Report JOAN

22 Other enrichment can be added during this process
Tables of Contents at $.50/hit Summaries ($.30/hit) Fiction/Biography data ($.50/hit) Author notes (free) Reading notes (Lexile, Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts) are free JOAN: Occidental College got TOC enrichment. Mountain View and Yolo County public libraries got all three kinds of Reading Notes enrichment.

23 Questions? Feel free to contact us! Mark Braden Joan Chapa

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