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Back to School Night 2016 Mrs. Nguyen’s Second Grade Class

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1 Back to School Night 2016 Mrs. Nguyen’s Second Grade Class

2 Communication (This is the best way to contact us!) School phone: x206 Aeries – don’t forget to include the best s to reach you! Edlio website Individual meetings before or after school

3 Class Schedule Please see the overview in your packet
PE on Mondays and Wednesdays with Coach Jeff Music on Wednesdays with Mr. Chandler Library on Thursdays with Mrs. Ahlgren Computer lab on Fridays

4 Behavior Please see the handout for class rules and a brief behavior clip chart explanation Behavior calendars stay behind Tab 2 in the binders and are collected every month – please do not remove. Please help monitor behavior to show a united front!

5 Homework, Binders & Test Folders
Homework is recorded in agenda books each day Reading each day is incredibly important at this age! Reflex Math and reinforcement math HW Spelling dictation/word tests vs. weekly lists Red test folders will go home and need to be signed and returned (tests can stay at home)

6 2nd Grade Curriculum Language Arts: Houghton Mifflin, Sadlier Phonics, Sitton spelling, Ready Reading Math: Math in Focus (adopted last year), Calendar Counts, Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Science: California Science; Harcourt Health & Fitness Social Studies: MacMillan McGraw Hill Supplementary materials in addition to district texts Many cross curricular lessons based on themes

7 Core Online Programs
Scholastic Reading Counts Scholastic Reading Inventory Reflex Math Think Central (portal for Math in Focus)

8 Grading & Report Card Grades are based on in class participation, formative and summative assessments (both written and oral), homework, and effort Report card is aligned with California State Content Standards Achievement scores and effort scores (C= consistently, S= some of the time, AC = area of concern)

9 Attendance & Policies Tardy slips
Please clear absences ( or written note) Vacations and doctor’s appointments Make up work typically given after absence Independent study (5+ days eligibility) Birthdays

10 Conferences & Volunteering
Please sign up for a conference time tonight! Volunteering for class and PTA Please let me know if you are switching with another parent or need to cancel/reschedule!

11 Ways to help at home… Please go through your child’s binder regularly.
Help your child be responsible by monitoring but not doing tasks for him or her. Read daily! Have a set area to study with all necessary tools. Help set a to do list and timeline for projects. Don’t be afraid to let your child make mistakes and learn from them. Speak positively about school and learning.

12 What Your Teacher Wants You to Know
I love my students and am passionate about what I do I welcome communication and am open to suggestions, but ask for professional behavior and kindness I consider myself an advocate for your child’s education, but always will consider a child’s overall well being

13 Before You Leave… Please write an encouraging note or draw a picture to leave for your child! Look through your child’s textbooks and around the classroom Sign up for your conference and any volunteering opportunities you can Questions?

14 Thank you for coming!

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