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Pre-coordination Process

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1 Pre-coordination Process
Satellite network and ground stations

2 Agenda Pre-coordination Process used by NDD Data Sharing
NDD Meeting structure NDD Time Frames NDD Pre-coordination ”package” NDD Actions and action item tracking Data Sharing Database: Briefings, Actions, Minutes, and Announcements

3 NDD Meeting structure Semi-annual meetings
3 Primaries plus invited guests Hosting rotates between primaries One meeting always in DC

4 NDD Meeting Structure (cont.)

5 NDD Time Frames One meeting held at location set by host
Typically duration is for 2 ½ days Includes more discussions on spectrum issues of note Typically topics are proposed and presented by members One meeting held in DC Duration is for 1 day Topics are specifically focused on new and updated systems Many members call in to teleconference Hosting is informal and typically based on availability Between meetings, members and guests continue to communicate Typically via as part of completing Ais.

6 NDD Coordination “Package” Example: COSMIC-2
Also includes discussion on value/benefits/effectiveness of the data

7 NDD Coordination “Package” Example: COSMIC-2 (cont. 1)

8 NDD Coordination “Package” Example: COSMIC-2 (cont. 2)
Includes further discussion slides on specific sensors with their functions and operations

9 NDD Coordination “Package” Example: COSMIC-2 (cont. 3)

10 NDD Actions and Action Item Tracking
Advanced “pre-coordination” assists in minimizing issues during coordination process with regulatory agencies Provides opportunities for issues to be raised and settled prior to critical program milestones Tracks action items, assists in meeting time constraints and keeps coordination agreements available for review

11 Data Sharing NDD recognizes the need to share data to attain coordination Information is to assist in spectrum coordination activities Program data relevant to spectrum coordination needs to be presented May require careful thought in competitive environment Information not relevant to spectrum coordination can be obscurred Should be at least on par with information provided to CRSRA for licensing Association membership may need to include variation of NDA

12 Database: Briefings, Actions, Minutes and Announcements
Briefings should be maintained on a membership accessible website Action Items need to be maintained and tracked Presented for review at every CSSMA meeting Minutes need to be captured, distributed to membership and retained in a member accessible website Announcements need to be sent to all members and also kept on a member accessible website

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