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Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Bryn Mawr, May 2015

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1 Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Bryn Mawr, May 2015
A multi-dimensional approach to understanding blended learning courses: a pilot assessment project of a blended Intensive Beginning Italian course. Daniela Bartalesi-Graf, Lecturer, Department of Italian Studies Verónica Darer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish A project sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Blended Learning Initiative of Wellesley College Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Bryn Mawr, May 2015

2 Agenda Introduction to session and presenters Description of course
Description of assessment instruments Discourse Analysis Student Surveys Conclusions and questions

3 Fall 2015: open to selected high schools
edge.edX first year [+] Italian language and culture Fall 2015: open to selected high schools as a “textbook” self-study Wellesley (Fall 2014): 3 hours/week F2F SPOC (Summer 2014) - 560 students (alumnae, incoming students, prospective HS students) BLENDED COURSE MIT (Spring 2015): 2 hours/week F2F

4 different but parallel ways to learn the same material
Ciak! videos: conversations between two or more native speakers; video interviews with native speakers; video of a slide show presentation with narration. Podcasts (downloadable) exercises w/audio files; audio files of examples in grammar charts. “drag and drop” type of activities (with images and written and/or audio files to match) pdf files (downloadable) with grammar explanations, examples and charts

3. 1. 2. 4.

Anonymous and online student survey Discourse Analysis Students’ SEQs Interviews with professor Analisys of students’ activities while online

7 Discourse analysis A highly objective process, discourse analysis questions who learns, what, where, when, and why. Who speaks? Who questions? Discourse analysis takes a microscope to a classroom to reveal the underlying classroom culture through analysis of social and pedagogical interactions.

8 Process of Discourse Analysis
Videotape several sessions Transcribe all discourse of one randomly selected session Divide into Interaction units-IRF Pattern Message Units Instructional Units/Lesson Phases

9 Sample of Discourse Analysis

10 Results of Discourse Analysis
Instructor shorter grammar explanations Student use of target language in a more personalized and creative manner Instructor language is more unplanned Instructor use of language at native speed Instructor use of humor Instructor extemporaneous talk about target culture Students’ acceptance of instructor’s native like language

11 Conclusions and questions
Daniela Bartalesi-Graf, Lecturer, Department of Italian Studies Verónica Darer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish

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