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Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoSCoC)

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Presentation on theme: "Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoSCoC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoSCoC)
09/11/2012 NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

2 Is this your first time attending HMIS training?
# Answer Response % 1 Yes 2 40% No 3 60% Total 5 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

3 Would you say the length of the training was:
# Answer Response % 1 Too Brief 0% 2 Just Right 5 100% 3 Too Long Total NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

4 Please rate your overall knowledge/skill level on HMIS Software:
# Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Responses Mean Before attending this session/event 3.75 After attending this session/event 7.25 NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

5 What did you hope to gain from this session?
# Answer Response % 1 How to enter a client record 2 40% How to look up resources 3 How to check a client into a bed 4 Other (Please specify) 60% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

6 The registration process from the Eventbrite website was:
# Answer Response % 1 Easy 2 100% Just Right 0% 3 Too Difficult Total NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

7 Would you say the frequency of reminder emails was:
# Answer Response % 1 Too many 0% 2 Just Right 3 100% Not Enough Total NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

8 How well did this session meet its stated objectives?
# Answer Response % 1 0% 2 3 25% 4 5 75% Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

9 Was the content organized and presented well?
# Answer Response % 1 0% 2 20% 3 4 5 80% Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

10 How would you rate the delivery of the content?
# Answer Response % 1 0% 2 20% 3 4 5 80% Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

11 How would you rate the trainer?
# Answer Response % 1 0% 2 3 20% 4 5 80% Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

12 How would you rate the handouts?
# Answer Response % 1 0% 2 3 4 20% 5 80% Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

13 How would you rate the location and room?
# Answer Response % 1 0% 2 3 4 20% 5 80% Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

14 Please rate your comfort level with the following:
# Question 1 2 3 4 5 Responses Mean entering a single client 4.40 assessing a client 4.20 entering a family record 3.80 checking a client into a bed looking up a client NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

15 NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/2012 - BoSCoC
If online training videos were available 24/7, how likely would you be to watch the videos? # Answer Response % 1 0% 2 20% 3 4 5 40% Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

16 Which type of training method do you prefer?
# Answer Response % 1 watching videos showing the computer screen only 2 40% watching videos showing the instructor interaction with the screen and class 3 traveling to a location with a live trainer on site 4 80% other: 0% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

17 I would like to attend additional training on:
# Answer Response % 1 Another User Training 50% 2 Administration Training 100% 3 Basic Report Writing 4 Advanced Report Writing 5 User Group (interactive group with other users) 0% 6 Other: NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

18 How often would you like to have a refresher training?
# Answer Response % 1 Monthly 0% 2 Every 3 months 20% 3 Every 6 months 4 Once a year 60% 5 Other: Total 100% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

19 NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/2012 - BoSCoC
Job/Role: # Answer Response % 1 Case Manager 2 40% Program Manager 0% 3 Agency Administrator 4 Executive Director 60% 5 Volunteer 6 Other: 20% NH-HMIS Training on 9/11/ BoSCoC

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