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breeding pipeline optimisation

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1 breeding pipeline optimisation
1. What are the costs of current breeding operations Cost of land on research stations Cost of off station trials Cost of planting operations Cost of agronomy Cost of harvesting operations Cost of travel to sites (allowances, fuel, accommodation) Fertilizer DAP (e.g. 20kg) Field labour (1 day) Land rental (per hectare) Fuel for vehicles (USD / litre) Vehicle maintenance (USD / year) Cost of land preparation (USD / hectare) Electricity costs (USD / year) Glasshouse costs (USD / year) Laboratory consumables – pathology (USD / year) Laboratory consumables – quality (USD / year) Accommodation at field sites (USD / day)

2 2. What are the costs of current breeding support services
Cost of pathology screens Cost of quality screens 3. What are the limitations to the size of the program Budget limitations Limitations to amount of land for trials and nurseries (land prep, amount) Limitations to access to labour (quantity, quality, cost)

3 4. What other activities are being conducted by the breeding group outside of core breeding activities What other projects are being conducted by the breeding team out outside of the main breeding program (e.g. agronomy trials, various external donor funded research, what proportion of people’s time goes to these projects) 5. What partnerships are important to the breeding program (Nationally and internationally)? Describe the level and type partnerships with other organizations (universities state R&D providers) Describe the level and type of collaboration/partnerships with international (Eg CGIAR) breeding institutions

4 6. What do the current breeding pipelines look like?
Number of crosses Number of rows of segregating populations Number of off season nurseries Number of on and off station trials and number of entries at each stage Number of variety verification trials and number of entries Number of rows of increase for breeder and pre-basic/foundation seed

5 Prioritisation decision
Trait Score Target agro-ecology Altitude; Rainfall Market size #households; %area Farmer Small/large holder Customer % export; %local Yield potential %above std check; %above local check Maturity Late/medium/early (Days) Diseases Major diseases Seed size Small; medium, large (100SW or mm) Seed colour White, red etc Quality Soaking time; cooking time Prioritisation decision E.g. High priority due to market size (currently very important market segment and production area (??%)) High cost pipeline due to quality and disease screening required and multi-environment trial testing for yield High likelihood of success Include in final set of product concepts. Proportion of total program breeding effort: xx% (likely to be high and in proportion to production area?)

6 Example of breeding pipeline for product concept
Harvested Planted ~100 crosses to be targeted (need 3-6 seeds per cross) P ~40 Main season crossing (increase number of parents from 20 to 40) 1 ~30-35 seeds from 1 F1 plant (resulting in between F2 seeds) F1 ~100 Off season (LH) generation advance Single plant selections bulked (naturally occurring disease, agronomics) or bulked pods F2 ~100 4m x 2 rows (80 plants/plot) 2 Single plant selections bulked (naturally occurring disease, agronomics) or bulked pods F3 ~100 4m x 2 rows (80 plants/plot) Harvest plants per cross (naturally occurring disease, agronomics) F 4m x 4 rows (160 plants in a plot) 3 Bulk harvest plot (uniformity, agronomics, naturally occurring disease) F4: 4m x 2 rows Selection based on YLD, agronomics, disease – single plant and whole row bulk (top 25%) 4m x 2 rows, p-rep, 3 locs + sick-plot + parents (2m x1-2 rows) 4 F4:6 (ON) [+introduced] Selection based on agronomics, disease, quality (top 25%) 4m x 4 row plots; p-rep; 3-6 locations 5 F4:7 (PVT) Seed increase & maintain 6 NVT 4m x 4 row plots; 2 reps; up to 14 locations Seed increase & maintain Selection based on yield, agronomics, disease, grain quality 7 NVT 4m x 4 row plots; 2 reps; up to 14 locations Seed increase & maintain 2 candidate varieties + 1 check 8 VVT ~3 10m x 10 row plots; up to 15 locations (10 OF, 5 RS) Pre-release seed multiplication Off season relies on furrow irrigation

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