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CSSA Dinner Meeting 10/5/16 John Duffy

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1 CSSA Dinner Meeting 10/5/16 John Duffy jduffy@southingtonschools
CSSA Dinner Meeting 10/5/16 John Duffy Jamie Rechenberg Melinda Meyer

2 This is the process that we’ll follow but there is flexibility built in (hence all the two-way arrows)

3 Bundling the Performance Expectations
The NGSS PEs are not intended to be taught or assessed one-at-a-time, or in isolation. By bundling the PEs, we can develop coherent units that help students find connections between ideas. Bundling can lead students to explain phenomena with three dimensional learning. Teaching one PE then another and so on is time consuming. Bundling may turn out to be more time economical. This is a logical starting point. We (districts) decide what grouping of PE’s makes sense; with coherence and student connections with phenomena in mind.

4 Example Bundles
What they are: Illustrations of different ways to bundle Representations of the best thinking of teams of educators Guides for instructional unit design Achieve released some example bundles this past June.

5 Example Bundles What they are not: Prescriptions about NGSS bundles
Perfect documents Full curriculum documents Achieves examples are not intended to be one size fits all curriculum

6 Bundling the Performance Expectations
121&ca=dafafb7e a2f4-86fa1f33eff1 Other states are developing curriculum using bundled PE’s.

7 Possible Curriculum Development Steps
1) Decide on the PE Bundle that you want to use. 2) Unpack - PE’s and DCI’s (using NGSS, evidence statements, framework) 3) Decide on a phenomena you want to center this unit around and the complete description of that phenomenon. 4) Collaborate on a culminating assessment. Steps 1 and 2 are critical. Step 3 should not be a roadblock. You can keep coming back to the phenomena

8 5. Compare assessment to the Evidence Statements to see what types of observable evidence would be demonstrated. 6. After this, begin the design of the instructional process, making sure to consult the Evidence Statements as the process goes on. Nextgenstorylines contains a limited number of examples of complete, phenomenon based, units.

9 Unpacking the DCI’s (the framework)
Unpacking the PE’s Paying attention to all three dimensions Performance Expectation Evidence Statements: Unpacking the DCI’s (the framework) Important to use both the framework along with the evidence statements. Using a document similar to what Melinda shared is excellent.

10 Unpacking/Topic Study Link to document (docx)

11 Building an NGSS Curriculum
EQuIP Rubric was recently modified and now begins with: A. Explaining Phenomena/Designing Solutions: Making sense of phenomena and/or designing solutions to a problem drive student learning. i. Student questions and prior experiences related to the phenomenon ... ii. The focus of the lesson is to support students in making sense of phenomena ... It’s all about making sense of phenomena

12 What is a phenomenon? achieve What is a phenomenon? What makes it engaging? What benefit does a phenomenon based lesson offer students? How can you leverage an engaging phenomenon to create access points for all students?

13 Examples of Phenomena
The one below has been used for Intermolecular Forces, done by students though, not a video. Below could be used with 4-PS-3 (collision) Possible 4-PS4 and 4-PS3?

14 Learn more about phenomena...
Video Article enomena%20in%20NGSS.pdf content/uploads/2016/03/Anchor_Design_Problems_March2016 .pdf

15 Anchor Phenomena Instructional sequences are more coherent when students investigate compelling natural phenomena by engaging in the science practices. We refer to these phenomena here as ‘anchors.’

16 Anchor Phenomena A good anchor is too complex for students to explain after a single lesson. A good anchor … engages students in the range of ideas students need to understand

17 More Phenomena Resources

18 Curriculum Writing Opportunities
CREC – Jaime Rechenberg (Next Generation Science Curriculum Consortium and CUDI) Learn – Terry Contant (CUDI) Jason Workshops Amy O’Neill

19 CT Science Educators Annual Conference Hamden MS Saturday, Nov 19th 8 am – 3 pm

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