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Week 15 - Wednesday CS361.

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1 Week 15 - Wednesday CS361

2 Last time What did we talk about last time? Review up to Exam 1

3 Questions?

4 Project 4

5 Review up to Exam 2

6 Shading

7 Lambertian shading Diffuse exitance Mdiff = cdiff  EL cos θ
Lambertian (diffuse) shading assumes that outgoing radiance is (linearly) proportional to irradiance Because diffuse radiance is assumed to be the same in all directions, we divide by π Final Lambertian radiance Ldiff =

8 Specular shading Specular shading is dependent on the angles between the surface normal to the light vector and to the view vector For the calculation, we compute h, the half vector half between v and l

9 Specular shading equation
The total specular exitance is almost exactly the same as the total diffuse exitance: Mspec = cspec  EL cos θ What is seen by the viewer is a fraction of Mspec dependent on the half vector h Final specular radiance Lspec = Where does m come from? It's the smoothness parameter

10 Implementing the shading equation
Final lighting is:

11 Aliasing

12 Screen based antialiasing
Jaggies are caused by insufficient sampling A simple method to increase sampling is full-scene antialiasing, which essentially renders to a higher resolution and then averages neighboring pixels together The accumulation buffer method is similar, except that the rendering is done with tiny offsets and the pixel values summed together

13 FSAA schemes A variety of FSAA schemes exist with different tradeoffs between quality and computational cost

14 Multisample antialiasing
Supersampling techniques (like FSAA) are very expensive because the full shader has to run multiple times Multisample antialiasing (MSAA) attempts to sample the same pixel multiple times but only run the shader once Expensive angle calculations can be done once while different texture colors can be averaged Color samples are not averaged if they are off the edge of a pixel

15 Transparency

16 Sorting Drawing transparent things correctly is order dependent
One approach is to do the following: Render all the opaque objects Sort the centroids of the transparent objects in distance from the viewer Render the transparent objects in back to front order To make sure that you don't draw on top of an opaque object, you test against the Z-buffer but don't update it

17 Problems with sorting It is not always possible to sort polygons
They can interpenetrate Hacks: At the very least, use a Z-buffer test but not replacement Turning off culling can help Or render transparent polygons twice: once for each face

18 Depth peeling It is possible to use two depth buffers to render transparency correctly First render all the opaque objects updating the depth buffer On the second (and future) rendering passes, render those fragments that are closer than the z values in the first depth buffer but further than the value in the second depth buffer Repeat the process until no pixels are updated

19 Texturing

20 Texturing We've got polygons, but they are all one color
At most, we could have different colors at each vertex We want to "paint" a picture on the polygon Because the surface is supposed to be colorful To appear as if there is greater complexity than there is (a texture of bricks rather than a complex geometry of bricks) To apply other effects to the surface such as changes in material or normal Textures are usually images, but they could be procedurally generated too

21 Corresponder function Value transform function
Texture pipeline We never get tired of pipelines Go from object space to parameter space Go from parameter space to texture space Get the texture value Transform the texture value The u, v values are usually in the range [0,1] Projector function Object space Corresponder function Parameter space Obtain value Texture space Value transform function Texture value Transformed value

22 Magnification Magnification is often done by filtering the source texture in one of several ways: Nearest neighbor (the worst) takes the closest texel to the one needed Bilinear interpolation linearly interpolates between the four neighbors Bicubic interpolation probably gives the best visual quality at greater computational expense (and is generally not directly supported) Detail textures is another approach

23 Minification Minification is just as big of a problem (if not bigger)
Bilinear interpolation can work But an onscreen pixel might be influenced by many more than just its four neighbors We want to, if possible, have only a single texel per pixel Main techniques: Mipmapping Summed-area tables Anisotropic filtering

24 Mipmapping in action Typically a chain of mipmaps is created, each half the size of the previous That's why cards like square power of 2 textures Often the filtered version is made with a box filter, but better filters exist The trick is figuring out which mipmap level to use The level d can be computed based on the change in u relative to a change in x

25 Trilinear filtering One way to improve quality is to interpolate between u and v texels from the nearest two d levels Picking d can be affected by a level of detail bias term which may vary for the kind of texture being used

26 Summed-area table Sometimes we are magnifying in one axis of the texture and minifying in the other Summed area tables are another method to reduce the resulting overblurring It sums up the relevant pixels values in the texture It works by precomputing all possible rectangles

27 Anisotropic filtering
Summed area tables work poorly for non-rectangular projections into texture space Modern hardware uses unconstrained anisotropic filtering The shorter side of the projected area determines d, the mipmap index The longer side of the projected area is a line of anisotropy Multiple samples are taken along this line Memory requirements are no greater than regular mipmapping

28 Alpha Mapping Alpha values allow for interesting effects
Decaling is when you apply a texture that is mostly transparent to a (usually already textured) surface Cutouts can be used to give the impression of a much more complex underlying polygon 1-bit alpha doesn't require sorting Cutouts are not always convincing from every angle

29 Bump Mapping

30 Bump mapping Bump mapping refers to a wide range of techniques designed to increase small scale detail Most bump mapping is implemented per-pixel in the pixel shader 3D effects of bump mapping are greater than textures alone, but less than full geometry

31 Normal maps The results are the same, but these kinds of deformations are usually stored in normal maps Normal maps give the full 3-component normal change Normal maps can be in world space (uncommon) Only usable if the object never moves Or object space Requires the object only to undergo rigid body transforms Or tangent space Relative to the surface, can assume positive z Lighting and the surface have to be in the same space to do shading Filtering normal maps is tricky

32 Parallax mapping Bump mapping doesn't change what can be seen, just the normal High enough bumps should block each other Parallax mapping approximates the part of the image you should see by moving from the height back to the view vector and taking the value at that point The final point used is:

33 Relief mapping The weakness of parallax mapping is that it can't tell where it first intersects the heightfield Samples are made along the view vector into the heightfield Three different research groups proposed the idea at the same time, all with slightly different techniques for doing the sampling There is much active research here Polygon boundaries are still flat in most models

34 Heightfield texturing
Yet another possibility is to change vertex position based on texture values Called displacement mapping With the geometry shader, new vertices can be created on the fly Occlusion, self-shadowing, and realistic outlines are possible and fast Unfortunately, collision detection becomes more difficult

35 Types of lights Real light behaves consistently (but in a complex way)
For rendering purposes, we often divide light into categories that are easy to model Directional lights (like the sun) Omni lights (located at a point, but evenly illuminate in all directions) Spotlights (located at a point and have intensity that varies with direction) Textured lights (give light projections variety in shape or color)

36 BRDFs

37 BRDF theory The bidirectional reflectance distribution function is a function that describes the difference between outgoing radiance and incoming irradiance This function changes based on: Wavelength Angle of light to surface Angle of viewer from surface For point or directional lights, we do not need differentials and can write the BRDF:

38 Revenge of the BRDF The BRDF is supposed to account for all the light interactions we discussed in Chapter 5 (reflection and refraction) We can see the similarity to the lighting equation from Chapter 5, now with a BRDF:

39 Fresnel reflectance Fresnel reflectance is an ideal mathematical description of how perfectly smooth materials reflect light The angle of reflection is the same as the angle of incidence and can be computed: The transmitted (visible) radiance Lt is based on the Fresnel reflectance and the angle of refraction of light into the material:

40 External reflection Reflectance is obviously dependent on angle
Perpendicular (0°) gives essentially the specular color of the material Higher angles will become more reflective The function RF(θi) is also dependent on material (and the light color)

41 Snell's Law The angle of refraction into the material is related to the angle of incidence and the refractive indexes of the materials below the interface and above the interface: We can combine this identity with the previous equation:

42 Area Lighting

43 Area light sources Area lights are complex
The book describes the 3D integration over a hemisphere of angles needed to properly quantify radiance No lights in reality are point lights All lights have an area that has some effect

44 Ambient light The simplest model of indirect light is ambient light
This is light that has a constant value It doesn't change with direction It doesn't change with distance Without modeling occlusion (which usually ends up looking like shadows) ambient lighting can look very bad We can add ambient lighting to our existing BRDF formulation with a constant term:

45 Environment Mapping

46 Environment mapping A more complicated tool for area lighting is environment mapping (EM) The key assumption of EM is that only direction matters Light sources must be far away The object does not reflect itself In EM, we make a 2D table of the incoming radiance based on direction Because the table is 2D, we can store it in an image

47 EM algorithm Steps: Generate or load a 2D image representing the environment For each pixel that contains a reflective object, compute the normal at the corresponding location on the surface Compute the reflected view vector from the view vector and the normal Use the reflected view vector to compute an index into the environment map Use the texel for incoming radiance

48 Sphere mapping Imagine the environment is viewed through a perfectly reflective sphere The resulting sphere map (also called a light probe) is what you'd see if you photographed such a sphere (like a Christmas ornament) There sphere map has a basis giving its own coordinate system (h,u,f) The image was generated by looking along the f axis, with h to the right and u up (all normalized)

49 Cubic environmental mapping
Cubic environmental mapping is the most popular current method Fast Flexible Take a camera, render a scene facing in all six directions Generate six textures For each point on the surface of the object you're rendering, map to the appropriate texel in the cube

50 Pros and cons of cubic mapping
Fast, supported by hardware View independent Shader Model 4.0 can generate a cube map in a single pass with the geometry shader Cons It has better sampling uniformity than sphere maps, but not perfect (isocubes improve this) Still requires high dynamic range textures (lots of memory) Still only works for distant objects

51 Glossy reflections We have talked about using environment mapping for mirror-like surfaces The same idea can be applied to glossy (but not perfect) reflections By blurring the environment map texture, the surface will appear rougher For surfaces with varying roughness, we can simply access different mipmap levels on the cube map texture

52 Irradiance environment mapping
Environment mapping can be used for diffuse colors as well Such maps are called irradiance environment maps Because the viewing angle is not important for diffuse colors, only the surface normal is used to decide what part of the irradiance map is used

53 Global Illumination

54 The true rendering equation
The reflectance equation we have been studying is: The full rendering equation is: The difference is the Lo(r(p,l),-l) term which means that the incoming light to our point is the outgoing light from some other point Unfortunately, this is all recursive (and can go on nearly forever)

55 Local lighting Real-time rendering uses local (non-recursive) lighting whenever possible Global illumination causes all of our problems (unbounded object-object interaction) Transparency Reflections Shadows

56 Shadows

57 Shadows Shadow terminology:
Occluder: object that blocks the light Receiver: object the shadow is cast onto Point lights cast hard shadows (regions are completely shadows or not) Area lights cast soft shadows Umbra is the fully shadowed part Penumbra is the partially shadowed part

58 Projection shadows A planar shadow occurs when an object casts a shadow on a flat surface Projection shadows are a technique for making planar shadows: Render the object normally Project the entire object onto the surface Render the object a second time with all its polygons set to black The book gives the projection matrix for arbitrary planes

59 Problems with projection shadows
We need to bias (offset) the plane just a little bit Otherwise, we get z fighting and the shadows can be below the surface Shadows can be draw larger than the plane The stencil buffer can be used to fix this Only opaque shadows work Partially transparent shadows will make some parts too dark Z-buffer and stencil buffer tricks can help with this too Shadows have hard edges Hard to see example from Shogo: MAD

60 Other projection shadow issues
Another fix for projection shadows is rendering them to a texture, then rendering the texture Effects like blurring the texture can soften shadows softer If the light source is between the occluder and the receiver, an antishadow is generated

61 Soft shadows True soft shadows occur due to area lights
We can simulate area lights with a number of point lights For each point light, we draw a shadow in an accumulation buffer We use the accumulation buffer as a texture drawn on the surface Alternatively, we can move the receiver up and down slightly and average those results Both methods can require many passes to get good results

62 Convolution (blurring)
You can just blur based on the amount of distance from the occluder to the receiver It doesn't always look right if the occluder touches the receiver Haines's method is to paint the silhouette of the hard shadow with gradients The width is proportional to the height of the silhouette edge casting the shadow

63 Planar shadows summarized
Project the object onto a plane Gives a hard shadow Needs tricks if the object is bigger than the plane Get an antishadow if the light is between occluder and receiver Soften the shadow Render the shadow multiple times Blur the projection Put gradients around the edges

64 Shadows on a curved surface
Think of shadows from the light's perspective It "sees" whatever is not blocked by the occluder We can render the occluder as black onto a white texture Then, compute (u,v) coordinates of this texture for each triangle on the receiver There is often hardware support for this This is known as the shadow texture technique

65 Shadow volumes Shadow volumes are another technique for casting shadows onto arbitrary objects Setup: Imagine a point and a triangle Extending lines from the point through the triangle vertices makes an infinite pyramid If the point is a light, anything in the truncated pyramid under the triangle is in shadow The truncated pyramid is the shadow volume

66 Shadow volumes in principle
Follow a ray from the eye through a pixel until it hits the object to be displayed Increment a counter each time the ray crosses a frontfacing face of the shadow volume Decrement a counter each time the ray crosses a backfacing face of the shadow volume If the counter is greater than zero, the pixel is in shadow Idea works for multiple triangles casting a shadow

67 Shadow volumes in practice
Calculating this geometrically is tedious and slow in software We use the stencil buffer instead Clear the stencil buffer Draw the scene into the frame buffer (storing color and Z-data) Turn off Z-buffer writing (but leave testing on) Draw the frontfacing polygons of the shadow volumes on the stencil buffer (with incrementing done) Then draw the backfacing polygons of the shadow values on the stencil buffer (with decrementing done) Because of the Z-test, only the visible shadow polygons are drawn on the stencil Finally, draw the scene but only where the stencil buffer is zero

68 Shadow mapping Another technique is to render the scene from the perspective of the light using the Z-buffer algorithm, but with all the lighting turned off The Z-buffer then gives a shadow map, showing the depths of every pixel Then, we render the scene from the viewer's perspective, and darken those pixels that are further from the light than their corresponding point in the shadow map

69 Shadow mapping issues Strengths: Weaknesses: A shadow map is fast
Linear for the number of objects Weaknesses: A shadow map only works for a single light Objects can shadow themselves (a bias needs to be used) Too high of a bias can make shadows look wrong

70 Ambient Occlusion

71 Ambient occlusion Ambient lighting is completely even and directionless As a consequence, objects in ambient lighting without shadows look very flat Ambient occlusion is an attempt to add shadowing to ambient lighting

72 Ambient occlusion theory
Without taking occlusion into account, the ambient irradiance is constant: But for points that are blocked in some way, the radiance will be less We use the factor kA(p) to represent the fraction of the total irradiance available at point p

73 Computing kA The trick, of course, is how to compute kA
The visibility function approach checks to see if a ray cast from a direction intersects any other object before reaching a point We average over all (or many) directions to get the final value Doesn't work (without modifications) for a closed room Obscurance is similar, except that it is based on the distance of the intersection of the ray cast, not just whether or not it does

74 Screen space ambient occlusion
Screen space ambient occlusion methods have become popular in recent video games such as Crysis and StarCraft 2 Scene complexity isn't an issue In Crysis, sample points around each point are tested against the Z-buffer More points that are behind the visible Z –buffer give a more occluded point A very inexpensive technique is to use an unsharp mask (a filter that emphasizes edges) on the Z-buffer, and use the result to darken the image

75 Reflections

76 Environment mapping We already talked about reflections!
Environment mapping was our solution But it only works for distant objects

77 Reflection rendering The reflected object can be copied, moved to reflection space and rendered there Lighting must also be reflected Or the viewpoint can be reflected

78 Hiding incorrect reflections
This problem can by solved by using the stencil buffer The stencil buffer is set to areas where a reflector is present Then the reflector scene is rendered with stenciling on

79 Curved Reflections Ray tracing can be used to create general reflections Environment mapping can be used for recursive reflections in curved surfaces To do so, render the scene repeatedly in 6 directions for each reflective object

80 Transmittance Transmittance is the amount of light that passes through a sample When the materials are all a uniform thickness, a simple color filter can be used Otherwise, the Beer-Lambert Law must be used to compute the affect on the light T = e-α´cd

81 Refraction Refraction is how a wave bends when it the medium it is traveling through changes Examples with light: Pencil looks bent in water Mirages

82 Snell's Law The amount of refraction is governed by Snell's Law
It relates the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction of light by the equation:

83 Caustics Light is focused by reflective or refractive surfaces
Curve or surface of concentrated light Reflective: Refraction:

84 Global subsurface scattering
Subsurface scattering is where light enters an object bounces around and exits at a different point than it entered Causes: Foreign Particles (pearls) Discontinuities (air bubbles) Density variations Structural changes

85 Radiosity To create a realistic scene, it is necessary for light to bounce between surfaces many times This causes subtle effects in how light and shadow interact This also causes certain lighting effects such as color bleeding (where the color of an object is projected onto nearby surfaces)

86 Computing radiosity Radiosity simulates this
Turn on the light sources and allow the environmental light to reach equilibrium (stable state) While the light is in stable state, each surface may be treated a light source The equilibrium is found by forming a square matrix out of form factors for each patch times the patch’s reflectivity Gaussian Elimination on the resulting matrix gives the exitance (color) of the patch in question

87 Classical ray tracing Trace rays from the camera through the screen to the closest object, the intersection point. For each intersection point, rays are traced: A ray to each light source If the object is shiny, a reflection ray If the object is not opaque, a refraction ray Opaque objects can block the rays, while transparent objects attenuate the light Repeat recursively until all points on the screen are calculated

88 Monte Carlo ray tracing
Classical ray tracing is relatively fast but performs poorly for environmental lighting and diffuse interreflections In Monte Carlo ray tracing, ray directions are randomly chosen, weighted by the BRDF This is called importance sampling. Monte Carlo ray tracing gets excellent results but takes a huge amount of time

89 Precomputed lighting Full global illumination is expensive
If the scene and lighting are static, much can be precomputed Simple surface prelighting uses a radiosity render to determine diffuse lighting ahead of time Directional surface prelighting stores directional lighting information that can be used for specular effects Much more expensive in memory Volume information can be precomputed to light dynamic objects

90 Precomputed Occlusion
Global illumination algorithms precompute various quantities other than lighting Often, a measure of how much parts of a scene block light are computed Bent normal, occlusion factor These precomputed occlusion quantities can be applied to changing light in a scene Create a more realistic appearance than precomputed lighting alone

91 Precomputed Ambient Occlusion
Precomputed ambient occlusion factors are only valid on stationary objects Example: a racetrack For moving objects (like a car), ambient occlusion can be computed on a large flat plane This works for rigid objects, but deformable objects would need many precomputed poses Example: a human Also can be used to model occlusion effects of objects on each other

92 Precomputed radiance transfer
The total effect of dynamic lighting conditions can be precomputed and approximated This method is trying to take into account all possible lightings from all possible angles Computing all this stuff is difficult, but a compact representation is even more difficult Spherical harmonics is a way of storing the data, sampled in many directions Storage requirements can be large Results generally hold only for distant lights and diffuse shading

93 Image Based Effects

94 Rendering spectrum We can imagine all the different rendering techniques as sitting on a spectrum reaching from purely appearance based to purely physically based Sprites Layers Billboards Triangles Appearance Based Lightfields Physically Based Global illumination

95 Skyboxes When objects are close to the viewer, small changes in viewing location can have big effects When objects are far away, the effect is much smaller As you know by now, a skybox is a large mesh containing the entire scene We have not set up our skyboxes correctly: They should never move relative to the viewer They are much more effective when there is a lot of other stuff to look at Some (our) skyboxes look crappy because there isn't enough resolution Minimum texture resolution (per cube face) =

96 Lightfields If you are trying to recreate a complex scene from reality, you can take millions of pictures from of it from many possible angles Then, you can use interpolation and warping techniques to stitch them together Huge data storage requirements Each photograph must be catalogued based on location and orientation High realism output!

97 Sprites and layers A sprite is an image that moves around the screen
Sprites were the basis of most old 2D video games (back when those existed, before the advent of Flash) By putting sprites in layers, it is possible to make a compelling scene Sequencing sprites can achieve animation

98 Billboarding Applying sprites to 3D gives billboarding
Billboarding is orienting a textured polygon based on view direction Billboarding can be effective for objects without solid surfaces If the object is supposed to exist in the world, it needs to change as the world changes For small sprites (such as particles) the billboard's surface normal can be the negation of the view plane normal Larger sprites should have different normals that point the billboard directly at the viewpoint

99 Particle systems In a particle system, many small, separate objects are controlled using some algorithm Applications: Fire Smoke Explosions Water Particle systems refer more to the animation than to the rendering Particles can be points or lines or billboards Modern GPUs can generate and render particles in hardware

100 Impostors An impostor is a billboard created on the fly by rendering a complex object to a texture Then, the impostor can be rendered more cheaply This technique should be used to speed up the rendering of far away objects The resolution of the texture should be at least: Impostors need to be updated periodically as the viewpoint changes

101 Billboard clouds Impostors have to be recomputed for different viewing angles Certain kinds of models (trees are a great example) can be approximated by a cloud of billboards Finding a visually realistic set of cutouts is one part of the problem The rendering overhead of overdrawing is another Billboards may need to be sorted if transparency effects are important

102 Image processing Image processing takes an input image and manipulates it Blurring Edge detection Color correction Tone mapping Much of this can be done on the GPU

103 Special effects Lens flare is an effect caused by bright light hitting the crystalline structure of a camera lens The bloom effect is where bright areas spill over into other areas Depth of field simulates a camera's behavior of blurring objects based on how far they are from the focal plane Motion blur blurs fast moving objects Fog can be implemented by blending a color based on distance of an object from the viewpoint

104 Quiz

105 Upcoming

106 Next time… Review everything after Exam 2

107 Reminders Finish Project 4 Study for the Final Exam
Due Friday before midnight Study for the Final Exam 11:00am - 2:00pm, Monday, 5/08/2017

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