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Psalm 8:1-2.

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1 Psalm 8:1-2

2 There is Power in Praise, Our Victory is in our Praise.

3 Key Spiritual Concept David learned.
Power in Praise Victory in Praise Matthew 21:14-16 – Jesus referred to this same concept.

4 The simple act of PRAISE is bigger than you are!
It connects you with a God who is bigger than you are!

5 Praise launches spiritual weapons
2 Cor. 10:4-5 1 Samuel 16:23 1 Samuel 17:45 1 Samuel 30:6

6 The most powerful weapon God has ever unleashed to fight the enemy is PRAISE.

7 Matthew 11:25 Psalm 149:6 Psalm 113:1 Psalm 115:18 Psalm 116:2; 17
The Bible is filled with Praise- Matthew 11:25 Psalm 149:6 Psalm 113:1 Psalm 115:18 Psalm 116:2; 17 Psalm 117:1 Psalm 118:1; 24; 28

8 It involves the whole man – body, soul, and spirit.
Biblical Forms of Worship Demand a response through: The MOUTH Or MOTION It involves the whole man – body, soul, and spirit.

9 Emotions Emotional about things that are important to you!
Only one kind of person is exempt from the command to praise… Psalm 115:17 - the dead

10 “Praise ye the Lord…” Psalm 146 Psalm 147 Psalm 148 Psalm 149 All begin and end with this phrase.

11 Psalm 150 Praise the Lord Praise God in his heavenly dwelling;
Praise him in his mighty heaven! Praise Him for His mighty works; Praise His unequaled greatness! Praise Him wit a blast of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lyre and harp! Praise Him with the tambourine and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with a clash of cymbals; Praise Him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!

12 The MOUTH is the center of spiritual warfare –
James 3:5-10 Proverbs 18:21 2 Chronicles 20:18-26

13 Praise doesn’t change God’s power, it changes your perspective!
Psalm 103 “Bless the Lord, O my soul…” Psalm 34 Praise doesn’t change God’s power, it changes your perspective!

14 The Worshipper’s Alphabet
Anxieties or Advocate Bitterness or Banner Concerns or Captain of our Salvation Depression or Day Spring, Daystar, Deliverer Emptiness or Elect, Eternal God Fears or Faithful Guilt or Gift of God

15 Secret to Victory is Continual Praise
Luke 24:53 Ultimate Expression of Praise Joel 2:28 Acts 2:39 Psalm 81:10


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