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Jennifer Schopf International Networks, Indiana University

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Schopf International Networks, Indiana University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open privacy-aware network measurement, analysis, and visualization service
Jennifer Schopf International Networks, Indiana University Sean Peisert, Brian Tierney ESnet, LBNL, and UC Davis Jason Leigh Laboratory for Advanced Visualization & Applications, University of HawaiʻI Mānoa Supported by the National Science Foundation

2 IRNC Monitoring: NetSage
Open, privacy-aware, network measurement, analysis, and visualization service Designed to address the needs of today’s international networks Focus on work with production networks, not on novel research Tasked by NSF to coordinate monitoring work across the IRNC projects


4 IRNC Backbones and Exchange Points
TransPAC4 (Schopf, IU) AmLIght ExP (Ibarra, FIU) Pacific Islands Research and Education Networks (PIREN) (Lassner, U Hawaii) America Connects to Europe (ACE) (Schopf, IU) Network for European, American, and African Research (NEAAR) (Schopf, IU) Exchange Points AtlanticWave (Ibarra, FIU) StarLight (Mambretti, NU) Pacific Wave(Fox, CENIC)

5 NetSage End users Project oversight (NSF, etc)
Congressional mandate that NSF projects show societal relevance IRNC NOC and other operators Project planning by backbone and exchange point operators Application engagement staff of IRNC projects

6 Additional Project Goals
General expandable infrastructure – wider deployment Canonical TestPoint for basic info gathering PerfSONAR, SNMP, Flow, retransmits, etc Open source tools and archive Standard measurement and analysis frameworks

7 Use Cases Year 1 and 2 What is the max, min, average bandwidth used between links? Which exchange points or networks are congested? When and how often do they remain congested?

8 Data Sources Passive Measurements Active Measurements SNMP
De-identified Flow data De-identified flow-like data from Tstat Active Measurements PerfSONAR

9 What is perfSONAR? perfSONAR is a tool to:
Find network problems (“soft failures”) Help fix these problems All in multi-domain environments Over 2000 public hosts on many different networks These problems are all harder when multiple networks are involved Focus on Research and Education (R&E) Networking, 1Gbps links or higher perfSONAR provides a standard way to publish active and passive monitoring data This data is interesting to network researchers as well as network operators

10 New in perfSONAR 4.0 pScheduler New Graphs MaDDash 2.0
Replaces scheduling layer with new component that adds many new features and improves on a number of old ones New Graphs Cleaner display of multiple types of data MaDDash 2.0 Added alerting features CentOS 7 and Debian 8 support

11 Tstat is a tcp statistics gathering tool that examines packet header data and compiles statistics about tcp flows in flight such as source/destination and size similar to netflow, but is nonsampled and gives a little more visibility into things such as retransmission rate and window size so that we can get a better view into the performance of the tcp flows rather than just what we can infer from flowdata

12 Flow analysis tools Example
A little more on tstat – we can extract certain data from the flowdata such as is in this graph. It shows a single TCP flow starting about march 14th and running until about march 21st, so about a week. The flow runs at about 8 mbps average. So the transfer size was about 500GB, but it took a week. Looking at the flow data, we can’t see any more information about the performance of the flow, but with tstat we hope to discover the additional statistics I mentioned

13 NetSage: Network measurement, analysis, and visualization
The default view from the portal is the previous 24 hours, but that can be easily changed to other timeframes, such as previous month or an arbitrary time period in the past

14 NetSage Portal (2)


16 NetSage Portal (3)

17 Heatmaps showing periodic patterns in bandwidth use across the IRNC networks from 8/1/16-9/1/16
Aggregated weekly bandwidth use use

18 Year 3 Focus What are the top sites that use the IRNC links?
What are the top science projects that use the IRNC links? How can we best identify a list of top talkers for each link?

19 Data Collection New Visualizations Analysis

20 Top Talkers Could be by flow number or size Could be between
Countries Organizations Projects We will never show between 2 IPs NetSage archive doesn’t have that data! Useful information when planning network build outs

21 TransPAC Example I have show this graph a lot, and it is generated manually, so netsage is trying to find ways of automating it and displaying it in different formats

22 Global Science Registry
Map IP and AS numbers to Organization Science project Science domain Initial idea: Gloriad’s Science Registry Joint work with AARnet

23 Global Science Registry (cont)
Needed to answer basic usage questions What percentage used by what science domain? How much of this link used by a specific organization? Needs to be easy for science projects to update

24 De-identified Flow Data
At the source – raw flow data Verify only header Tag data using science registry Remove low order bits from IP address Forward to NetSage every hour Never more than 24 hours of raw data at the source UN de-identified data never makes it to the archive

25 DTN measurement Supplemental to add instrumentation to data transfer nodes Running TSTAT on a DTN to get a better view than perfSONAR on actual Similar to what was mentioned in the first talk

26 Summary Data (Kibana Sample)
We use an ELK stack as a short term data system for our flow data.  From this, we generate aggregates stored in the TSDS system (and since it is coming out of the netsage archive it has already been deidentified and tagged by the science registry).  Additionally we use it with out internal kibana system to develop experimental visuals and internal dashboards. - the green ovals are filters applied, in this case they are narrowing in on all perfsonar TCP performance tests between hawaii and IU going through seattle. - as the filters or time selectors are adjusted all widgets on page reflect the change in their calculations. - the ns-metrics widget is showing the set of metrics that summarize all matching activity - the ns-sensor widget shows the corresponding per sensor details

27 Sankey Graph (NetSage prototype)
Data in both directions April 1 to April 18 for netflow data collected from AmLight and TransPAC100G

28 Country to Country Pairs (Kibana Sample)
The same sort of data using a Kibana style heat map

29 Top Talker by Country (Kibana Sample)

30 Top Talker by Country (Kibana Sample)
The same data in more of a heat map format, country over time (each block is a week)

31 NetSage Prototype Top Talker (org)
And this is what a top talker might look like in the netsage portal

32 Acknowledgements NetSage is funded by US NSF award #1540933
NetSage Website: INIU Website: Interested in NetSage? Contact: Dr. Jennifer Schopf – Andrew Lee –

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